ENA Series Performance Tests Overview

The performance verification tests are designed to provide the highest level of confidence that the instrument being tested conforms to published, factory-set specifications. The tests are designed to test an instrument operating within the temperature range defined by the instrument specifications. The test names align with the test specification in the Specification Guide. Some repairs require a performance test to be run after the repair. If the instrument is unable to pass any of the performance tests, adjustments or further repairs may be needed.

Performance Tests by Model Number and Test Plan Variant

The tests to be performed depends on the model number and test plan variant selected in TME. There are two test plan variants available in TME: Factory Recommended and Normal. For more information about test plan variants, click here.

Click on the appropriate link below for your ENA-series model number to go to the overview page. The overview page will have a list of tests for the tests specific to that model and test plan variant.