Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
TraceData3GCompInformation Enumeration
See Also 
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly > Agilent.SA.Vsa Namespace : TraceData3GCompInformation Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

Specifies the Composite Symbol Table Error Summary Data for W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSDPA (for use with StateDictionary.IndexedValueAsDouble).


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum TraceData3GCompInformation 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum TraceData3GCompInformation : System.Enum 
public enum class TraceData3GCompInformation : public System.Enum 


MemberDescriptionMinimum SW Version‡
ActiveCdePeakSpecifies the largest active Code Channel Code Domain Error.
CdePeakSpecifies the largest measured Code Channel Code Domain Error (for active and inactive code channels).
EvmPeakSpecifies the peak Error Vector Magnitude for the composite signal in percent.
EvmPeakChipSpecifies the chip number of the peak Error Vector Magnitude for the composite signal.
EvmRmsSpecifies the root mean square Error Vector Magnitude for the composite signal in percent rms.
FreqErrorSpecifies the composite signal carrier frequency error relative to the measurement center frequency.
IQGainImbalanceNot implemented.
IQOffsetSpecifies the magnitude of the carrier feed through signal. No carrier feed through signal, I/Q offset = 0.
IQQuadratureErrorNot implemented.
MagnitudeErrorPeakSpecifies the peak difference in amplitude between the I/Q measured signal and the I/Q reference signal for the composite signal in percent.
MagnitudeErrorPeakChipSpecifies the chip number of the peak Magnitude Error for the composite signal.
MagnitudeErrorRmsSpecifies the root mean square difference in amplitude between the I/Q measured signal and the I/Q reference signal for the composite signal in percent rms.
PhaseErrorPeakSpecifies the peak difference in phase between the I/Q measured signal and the I/Q reference signal for the composite signal in percent.
PhaseErrorPeakChipSpecifies the chip number of the peak Phase Error for the composite signal.
PhaseErrorRmsSpecifies the root mean square difference in phase between the I/Q measured signal and the I/Q reference signal for the composite signal in percent rms.
RhoSpecifies the normalized correlation coefficient between the measured and ideal reference signal.
SlotIdentifies the first time Slot in the measurement for the composite signal.
TTrigSpecifies the amount of time, in chips, from the trigger to the start of the frame.
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this enum member.


Target Platforms: Windows 11 Professional or Enterprise; Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, or Education (64-bit)

See Also