From FCH - Result Length (802.16 OFDM)

Default: See 802.16 OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.

The VSA uses the FCH "Frame Control Header" to determine the measurement result length. If the FCH symbol is not present, the measurement result length is automatically detected based on the RF Radio Frequency: A generic term for radio-based technologies, operating between the Low Frequency range (30k Hz) and the Extra High Frequency range (300 GHz). pulse length.

See Result Length Parameters for more information about how the VSA determines the measurement result length in From FCH, Automatic, and Manual modes.

For more information about the FCH, see From FCH (Data Subcarrier Modulation Format) .

See Also

Result Length Parameters (802.16 OFDM)

Measurement Interval and Offset (802.16 OFDM)

Time Tab (IEEE 802.16 OFDM Demod Properties)