Manual - Result Length (802.16 OFDM)

Default: See 802.16 OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.

When the Manual check box is selected, the measurement result length can be entered in symbol-times. The VSA ignores the input burst symbol length and uses the Manual symbol length. The VSA will use this value even if it is longer than the measured signals burst length.

See Result Length Parameters for more information about how the VSA determines the measurement result length in From FCH, Automatic, and Manual modes.

Manual does not limit the result length to the number of symbols transmitted within the burst as is done in Automatic mode. The VSA will demodulate the total number of symbols specified by Manual, which if longer than the burst, could lead to unexpected and incorrect data results.

See Also

Result Length Parameters (802.16 OFDM)

Measurement Interval and Offset (802.16 OFDM)

Time Tab (IEEE 802.16 OFDM Demod Properties)