Display Length (Advanced Radar)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > Advanced Radar Measurement Properties > Analysis > Statistics Panel

Display Length determines the fixed number of display points reported within each of the active Trend trace results.

When the current accumulated Trend and Histogram statistical data set size is less than the specified Display Length points, any unfilled Trend trace points are initialized to the first data set value (as illustrated in the example below for Fall Time (s) metric where Display Length = 1000 points, but only 640 points have been accumulated so far).

When the accumulated statistical data set size exceeds the specified Display Length points, only the most recently accumulated Display Length number of Trend trace points are reported (as illustrated below where Display Length = 1000 points, and now a total of 5240 points have been accumulated, so only the most recently accumulated 1000 points are displayed).

The selected Display Length cannot exceed the current Trend / Histogram Internal Buffer Length setting.