About cdma2000/1xEV-DV Demodulation

89601B-B7T/89601B7NC: cdma2000/1xEV-DV adds cdma2000® (Code Domain Multiple Access 2000) and 1xEV DV demodulation capability to your 89600-Series application software. This option lets you measure the following 3GPP2 Technical Specification Group cdma2000 and 1xEV-DV modulated signals that are compliant to the following specifications:

89601B-B7W/89601B7NC: cdma2000/1xEV-DV, you can descramble, despread and demodulate forward link and reverse link cdma2000, spread rate one (SR1), modulated signals. Optionally, you may enable analysis of forward link 1xEV-DV signals. The VSA will automatically identify all active channels regardless of the Symbol Rate or Walsh Code Length.

Signal analysis capabilities includes composite code domain power, composite time and channel specific analysis. Measurement results may be shown in several trace display formats as well as numeric error data formats. Flexible display scaling and marker functionality enhance these measurement capabilities.

The demodulator used in this VSA incorporates advanced technology that does not require coherent carrier signals, or symbol-clock timing signals. The VSA has a built-in IS-2000 EIA Interim Standard 2000 (see cdma2000): A standard for current CDMA systems providing a migration path to 3G services. filter. Signal locking requires the carrier frequency, chip rate, reverse/forward link direction and Long Code Mask to be set.

The demodulator uses the measured signal (called I/Q Meas Time) to generate an ideal signal (called IQ Ref Time). You can compare the measured signal to the reference signal to quantify and locate errors in your signal.

See Also

cdma2000/1xEV-DV Available Features

Setting up a cdma2000 Measurement

About Optional Measurement Software