About Composite Error Summary Data (cdma2000/1xEV-DV)

When cdma2000/1xEV-DV demodulation is enabled, selecting the Error Summary trace data shows the composite error summary data. Error Summary displays the error information for the composite signal.

Composite error summary data is always computed from the first PCG in the measurement and the measurement offset parameter is ignored.

The IQ Offset can be added in the Error Summary data results with the Include IQ Offset parameter.

Available Composite Error Summary Data

A list of the available composite error data is provided in the Available Composite Error Summary Data topic, which also links to detailed descriptions for each error result.

Channel Error Summary trace data

The channel error summary trace data, which provides the error results for a specific code channel and code layer, is described in the About Channel Error Summary Data topic.

Querying summary table data results programmatically

To programmatically query the Trace Summary Table data results using the Summary() and SummaryUnit() methods in the MeasurementData object.

See the How To Query Summary Table Data Results topic for more information.

See Also

Channel Error Summary Data

Channel 1 Comp Trace Data

About Measurement Interval and Offset