Ch Frequency Response Unbal (Channel Quality)

Ch Frequency Response (Unbalanced) is the frequency response of the channel that is due to IQ impairments. Unbalanced channel frequency response is calculated for each measurement channel and is related to Ch Impulse Response Unbal through the DFT discrete Fourier transform transform. Background annotation indicates any tones which are in a disabled state for the current measurement.

The unbalanced channel frequency response spans the same bandwidth as the stimulus signal. Note this bandwidth can be different than the bandwidth shown in the Spectrum trace.

When RMS or RMS Exponential averaging is enabled, this trace will show the averaged unbalanced channel frequency response. The channel response measurement supports coherently averaging the channel response across multiple time records without the need for fine triggering. This means that the average preserves the phase.

The non-averaged unbalanced channel frequency response is shown in the Inst Ch Frequency Response Unbal trace.

See Also

Available Trace Data

Timing Adjust