Ch Impulse Response Unbal (Channel Quality)

Ch Impulse Response (Unbalanced) is the impulse response of the channel that is due to IQ impairments. Unbalanced channel impulse response is calculated for each measurement channel and is averaged over the number of repetitions of the stimulus signal specified by the Analysis Interval.

The x-axis of this trace is in units of seconds. The peak is always located at t = 0. The impulse response traces show the supported delay spread.

To increase the available delay spread range, increase the number of tones while decreasing the Tone Spacing to maintain the same ratio (same stimulus bandwidth).

When RMS or RMS Exponential averaging is enabled, this trace will show the averaged unbalanced channel impulse response.

The non-averaged unbalanced channel impulse response is shown in the Inst Ch Impulse Response Unbal trace.

See Also

Available Trace Data