CCDF Summary (Custom IQ)
The following table lists the CCDF Summary data.
Average Power - Average input power (dBm)
% at Power Average - % at Power Average is the probability that a random sample will be above the average power.
Relative Peak Power - Peak power (dB), relative to the average power level in dBm. This value shows how many dB the peak is above the average.
Absolute Peak Power - Absolute peak power (dBm)
Power at n% - The x-axis value (power in dB) of the CCDF curve at which the y-axis value is n%. Based on the data used to create the CCDF, the probability is n% that a point will have a power level that is above the "Power at n%" value. These values are computed using linear interpolation between CCDF bins. If there's not enough data in the CCDF to compute a value, *** will be displayed.
Points - Number of points accumulated
See Also