OFDM BER/MER Summary (DOCSIS 4.0 Downstream)

The OFDM BER/MER Summary trace shows the Bit Error Ratio (BER), Modulation Error Ratio (MER), and Codeword Error Ratio (CWER) for each profile used.

A displayed value of "***", "-780dB" or "-999" means no data is available.

Mod Format



BER/CWER measurements only show when BER Analysis is selected under the Format tab.

About Profiles

There are up to 16 profiles (A-P) plus NCP. The corresponding profile IDs are 0-15 for A-P and 255 for NCP.

When Initial Settings = Auto, only NCP and Profile A can be demodulated. Other profiles will be detected and shown in the BER/MER summary, but detected profiles B-P will display "Unknown" in the Mod Fmt row and undesirable MER values. This is an indication that the signal has B-P profiles that need to be manually defined to get correct overall MER and BER measurements for the signal. Unless the profiles corresponding to these code words are defined, VSA can not determine the modulation type associated with the code word, and so it is not possible to accurately calculate the MER.

To manually define Profiles B-P, set Initial Settings to Manual and then edit the User Profiles vectors.

See Also

See "Format Tab (DOCSIS 4.0 Downstream)"