OFDM Frame Summary (DOCSIS 4.0 Downstream)

The OFDM Frame Summary trace shows the Modulation Error Ratio (MER), power, and modulation format for the channels and signals that are present in the Measurement Interval.

OFDM Frame Summary shows information for only the data in the Measurement Interval.

Channel MER(dB) Power(dB) ModFmt
  • Pilot
  • PLCPreamble
  • PLCData
  • Data
  • All

MER is defined as the total power of the subcarriers divided by the total power of the error vectors, expressed as dB. Larger errors will result in lower MER values, smaller errors will result in higher MER values.

MER Ave = 1 / RMS(Error Vectors)

Power is the per-subcarrier power, averaged over all the subcarriers belonging to the physical channel.

ModFmt is the modulation format of the channel.

When a channel contains more than one modulation format, Mod. Fmt. will show "Mixed" for that channel.

A displayed value of "***", "-780dB" or "-999" means no data is available.

See Also

Error Summary