Mag Error and Phase Error (Flex Frame)
and traces show the error between the I/Q measured and the I/Q reference signals. displays the magnitude error and displays the phase error.
If the
trace is selected, the VSA compares the magnitude of the I/Q measured signal with the magnitude of the I/Q reference signal. The VSA then displays the difference, in magnitude, between the two signals.If normalization is OFF, the VSA displays the magnitude error in units of Volts (normalization factor = 1). If normalization is ON, the magnitude error is expressed as a percentage..
If the
trace is selected, the VSA compares the unwrapped phase, point-by-point, of the I/Q measured signal with the unwrapped phase of the I/Q reference signal. The VSA then displays the phase difference between the two signals.Marker Coupling
When marker coupling is used, markers on applicable Demod traces (e.g., Err Vect Time, IQ Meas Time, IQ Ref Time, Mag Error, Phase Error) will couple to the corresponding point on the Time, Search Time and Raw Main Time traces. For Demod traces, frame start (symbol 0) = 0 sec on the x-axis.
See Also