Time (Flex Frame)

The Time trace shows the time record before demodulation, as shown in the following block diagram.


For the time traces (Time, Search Time, and Raw Main Time), 0 sec on the X-axis is the trigger location.

The Time trace shows all the time data for the component carriers (CCs) that are assigned to the measurement channel. The Time trace starts at the beginning of the earliest CC and ends with the end of the latest CC.

The Time trace is unaffected by time averaging.

Marker Coupling

When marker coupling is used, markers on applicable Demod traces (e.g., Err Vect Time, IQ Meas Time, IQ Ref Time, Mag Error, Phase Error) will couple to the corresponding point on the Time, Search Time and Raw Main Time traces. For Demod traces, frame start (symbol 0) = 0 sec on the x-axis.