Couple Paired Channels (Input Analog Tab)

Default: Selected

The Couple Paired Channels check box specifies whether paired Channels are coupled: selected (coupled) or cleared (not coupled).

The Couple Paired Channels property applies to the I+jQ logical channel type. Each I+jQ logical channel represents one IQ pair and is comprised of two measurement platform input channels, one I input channel and one Q input channel. When selected, the same input analog parameters setting is applied to both IQ pair input channels. When cleared, different analog parameter settings can be applied separately to each individual I and Q input channel.

Couple Paired Channels is only valid for I+jQ measurements.

Couple Paired Channels is always selected and disabled with some hardware configurations. See the Measurement Setup Parameters topic for your Measurement Hardware.

Selected: Any change made to analog input parameters is immediately applied to the other coupled channel.

Cleared: All Analog tab parameters can be specified independently for each active paired channel.

For Dual I+jQ logical channel type measurements, each IQ pair channel is coupled independent of the other. When Coupled Paired Channels is selected, each I+jQ pair channel can be assigned different analog parameter settings. However, when Coupled Paired Channels is cleared, each individual I and Q channel for both IQ pairs can be assigned a different analog parameter setting. Select the Logical Channel "All" parameter to specify all I+jQ pair channels the same analog parameter setting.

When changing the Coupled Paired Channels property from cleared to selected, the analog parameter settings for the I channels are applied to the corresponding Q channels. When changing from selected to cleared, the settings for I and Q channels remain at their current (identical) values.

See Also

About I+jQ (Channelss)

Logical Channel (Analog Input)

About Analog Input Properties