Matrix Tables

Measurement software options may provide matrix tables to display and sort various statistical data.

Column Operations

Sorting Data

Optimize Table

Column Visibility

Row Operations

Copying/Pasting and Exporting Matrix Table Data

Querying Matrix Table Data Results Programmatically

Column Operations

With matrix tables, you can right-click the column header to display a menu with the following choices:

Sorting Data

You can sort the metrics in the Pulse Table by clicking any column header.  For example, to sort the Droop metrics in ascending order, click the Droop (dB) column label. To undo the sort, right-click the column label and select Clear Sort.

Optimize Table

The Pulse Table (Pulse Analysis option) and FMCW Region Table (FMCW Radar Analysis option) provide a choice between optimizing large tables for speed and responsiveness or for sortability.

Column Visibility

You can choose which metrics (columns) to display in the matrix tables, as follows:

To return all columns to their default widths and display only the default set of columns, right-click any column label and select Preset Columns.

You can change the width of columns by dragging the right boundary of the column header.

Changes in column width or visibility can be reverted by undo, or restored by redo.

  1. Right-click any column label (heading)

  2. Select Column Visibility

  3. In the Column Visibility dialog, check the metrics you want displayed in the table, then click OK.

    You can also right-click and select Preset Columns to display the default column set.

Row Operations

In matrix tables, you can also select a range of cells and right-click to perform the following operations:

Some measurements may add additional choices to the range of cells menu. For example, the optional Pulse and FMCW Radar measurements add Set Start Pulse to the to Copy and Select All choices, which configures a selected row in the table as the start of the pulse for analysis.


Copying/Pasting and Exporting Matrix Table Data

Any or all rows in a matrix table can be copied and pasted into email, text editing or spreadsheet programs for communication or further analysis. To do this, use your mouse as follows:

Querying Matrix Table Data Results Programmatically

Matrix table results are row-based. To get values in a row programmatically, use the row index (0-n). The row index can be determined by looking at the trace's default row order. The top row has a row index of 0, the next row has an index of 1, and so on. You can also determine a row's index programmatically by putting together enough of a table's identifiers (PhysicalChannel, PhysicalChannelPart, Layer, PhysicalChannelIndex, etc.) to distinguish the desired row from other rows.