Detectors Tab
The VSA Software makes a separate Power Spectrum measurement for each detector that you select. For example, if you select both the Sample detector and Normal detector, the VSA Software makes one power spectrum measurement using the Sample detector, and another using the Normal detector. To view the trace for the sample detector measurement, click
for Power Spectrum, or for Spectral Emissions Mask. To view the trace for the Normal detector measurement, click for Power Spectrum, or for Spectral Emissions Mask.-
Normal (Min/Max) Detector: determines the peak of CW-like signals, and it yields alternating maximums and minimums of noise-like signals. This is also referred to as "rosenfell" or "min/max" detection.
Peak (Max) Detector: determines the maximum of the signal within the bucket.
Negative Peak (Min) Detector: determines the minimum of the signal within the bucket.
Average Detector: determines the average of the signal within the bucket. The averaging method depends upon Average Type selection (voltage, power or log scales).
Sample Detector: indicates the instantaneous level of the signal at the center of the bucket represented by each display point.
See Also
Detectors and Power Spectrum Measurements