Trigger Out (Input)

Trigger Out selects the desired trigger output connector to use on the currently connected instrument. The VSA detects the instrument's available trigger output connectors and populates the drop-down menu. If the VSA doesn’t explicitly support choosing the trigger output to use with the currently connected hardware, the drop-down menu will display Unknown, in which case you will need to manually figure out if a trigger output is generated from the hardware and what connector it is output on.

Desired and Actual Values

Instruments may have several trigger output connectors, but certain conditions may make certain connectors or Trigger Out capability unavailable (e.g., setting the External Trigger Location input extension to use the same trigger as Trigger Out, or switching to a span that doesn't support Trigger Out). In these cases, the Actual Trigger Out state will change to "Off," but the Desired Trigger Out value will persist, and the actual value will change back as soon as conditions permit it to do so.

Performing a Preset Setup or Measurement Preset does not affect this setting; however, Preset All will reset this setting to its default value.

See Also

About Trigger

Input menu