Output Window

The Output window provides an area for macros to write data. In addition, the Output window has the ability to echo .NET API 1) Access Preamble Indicator, or 2) Application Programming Interface commands while interacting with the 89600 VSA user interface.

Writing to the Output Window

To write text to the Output window, write to System.Diagnostics.Trace. The Output window will echo any text written to the System.Diagnostics.Trace.

Example C# syntax: System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Text to print in the Output window");

The Output window can only be written to from a Macro. Writing to the Output window from an external process is not supported.

Enable Code Output

The Output window can echo 89600 VSA .NET API commands that correspond to changes in VSA parameters. To enable this output, select the Show Code checkbox in the Output window. Then, when a setting through the user interface is changed, the command to do the same thing will be shown in the Output window.

Set the command language using the Language dropdown in the Macros dialog box.

See Also

About Macros

.NET API Reference