Group Delay (Trace Format)

Group Delay trace format configures the active trace to show group delay. By definition, group delay is the derivative (or slope) of the phase response. It is useful for measuring signal transit-time through a device and for measuring the device's phase linearity. The formula for group delay is:

 Group Delay = [- delta(ph)/delta(f)] ´ [1 cycle/360 degrees]

"delta(ph)" is the phase difference (in degrees) of two frequencies separated by delta(f); "delta(f)" is the difference between two frequencies, in Hertz (cycles/second). Dividing by 360 converts degrees to radians. The final units for group delay are seconds.

Delta(f) can be adjusted by adjusting the group-delay aperture and/or the frequency span, according to the following formula:

 delta(f) = (aperture) ´ (frequency span)

Group Delay in the Time Domain

The 89600 VSA also computes group delay for time-domain data. The same formula is used, except delta(f) is replaced with delta(t), as follows:

 Group Delay = [- delta(ph)/delta(t)] ´ [1 cycle/360 degrees]

Delta(t) can be adjusted by adjusting the group-delay aperture and/or the time-record length, according to the following formula:

 delta(t) = (aperture) ´ (time-record length)

To compute group delay, the VSA needs complex data. Therefore, for time-domain data, the group delay is flat unless time data is set to Zoom.

For time-domain traces, group-delay yields y-axis units of Hertz; for frequency-domain traces, group-delay yields y-axis units of seconds.

See Also

Group Delay Aperture