Select License Options Utility

The 89600 VSA software includes a Select License Options utility that enables you to selectively license only the options that you want run with the current instance of the 89600 VSA software. By default, the 89600 VSA software will acquire licenses for all currently available licensed options on the server. By selecting only the licenses you need, you free up floating licenses for other floating license enabled users (Client PCs).

All possible license options are listed in the Select License Options dialog box. However, you will only be able to acquire licenses that have been purchased and installed on the license server.

Follow these steps to select only the licenses you need:

  1. Run the Select License Options utility, click Start > Keysight 89600 VSA <ReleaseVersion> > Select License Options.

  2. Select the options that you want to license and Clear the options you do not want to license. After you make license option changes, save the changes, by clicking the OK button to save the changes and close the Select License Options utility.

  3. Restart the 89600 VSA software to activate the licenses you selected.

All license options are listed in the Select License Options dialog box but you will only be able to acquire the licenses that have been purchased and installed on the license server.

See Also

Floating License Overview