Beam Pattern Summary (LTE-Advanced)

This table summarizes the beams of all the users on all the antenna ports in all the antenna groups.

If the input channel number is N, and the antenna elements number in the Advanced > Antenna Group is M, then the total antenna group number is N/M. For example, if the total input channel number is 64 and the antenna elements number in each antenna group is 32, there are 64/32, or 2 antenna groups total.

Antenna_Group - The Antenna_Group in this table is the antenna group index starting from 0 to N/M - 1.

User- Identifies the user for each beam. If the beam is for C-RS Cell-specific RS, the user is shown as Cell; if the beam is for a specific user, the user is shown as UserXX, where XX is the user index.

Antenna_Port- Identifies the antenna port used by the beam. For example, a cell can be transmitted on Port0, 1, 2, or 3, and each Port can have its own beam.

Peak_Power- Displays the beam's peak power.

A_Angle(deg)- Displays the beam's azimuth angle.

V_Angle(deg)- Displays the beam's vertical angle.

A_Width(deg)- Displays the beam's angle width in the azimuth plane.

V_Width(deg)- ) Displays the beam's angle width in the vertical plane.

See Also

Available Summary Tables