Code Editor

The macro Code Editor provides basic functionality for modifying macros. This functionality includes printing, copy/paste operations, undo/redo, code completion, and syntax checking.

You can edit a macro using the Code Editor by clicking the Edit button in the Macros dialog.

Instead of using the Code Editor to create macros, it is recommended that you use Microsoft Visual Studio. A free version of Visual Studio is available from Microsoft's Visual Studio Community website.

To edit a macro in Visual Studio, click the drop-down part of the Edit button in the Macros Dialog Tab and select Using Visual Studio.

Also, see the 89600 VSA .NET API Reference for information about programming the 89600 VSA.

Features of the Code Editor window

In addition to basic text-editing features, the Code Editor has the following convenience features.

Type Browser

Below the toolbar are two dropdown boxes that let you navigate the code file. The dropdown on the left lets you select a type that is defined in the code file. The dropdown on the right lists all the members (properties, methods, events, ...) of the type where the text cursor is currently located.

Error Window and Syntax Checking

When there are any syntax errors in your code, the error will be marked in the text with a red squiggly underline and information about the error will be shown in the Error List panel. You can access the Error List by clicking the Error List tab at the bottom of the Code Editor window.

Code Completion

When you type the name of a member and then the period (.), a list of members will pop up. The list will scroll to the member matching the characters you have typed so far. Pressing TAB will complete the member. Pressing CTRL-SPACE will open this autocomplete dialog at any point.

See Also

Macros Dialog Tab

Creating a Macro

About Macros