Using the 89600 VSA with ADS

The 89600 VSA software is integrated with Keysight's EEsof Advanced Design System (ADS) electronic design automation software. You can use the 89600 VSA parts in the ADS application to access the VSA's functionality.

To find out more about ADS, visit the Keysight ADS home page: image\globe.jpg Advanced Design System (ADS) Home Page.

For help on how to use the 89600 VSA components in ADS, access help in the ADS window. Click Help, Topics and Index, Components, Signal Processing, Instruments, then the component for desired help: VSA 89600B Sink or VSA 89600B Source. To go directly to help for an individual 89600 VSA component, double click on the component, then click Help in the lower right corner of the resulting dialog box.

Dynamic Link to EEsof ADS/SystemVue provides a sink component (VSA_89600B_Sink). The sink sends waveforms directly from ADS to 89600 VSA software without using measurement hardware. The full functionality of the 89600 VSA is available to analyze and display the ADS signal.

Dynamic Link to EEsof ADS/SystemVue also provides a source component (VSA_89600B_Source). The 89600 VSA can be used to make real-world measurements with hardware, and then the measurement results can be transferred to ADS through the VSA 89600B Source component.

The 89600 VSA is started from the ADS interface by simply starting a simulation that includes a VSA 89600B component.

Some 89600 ADS example designs are available. To open the example designs, click File > Example Projects. Then browse to the Instruments directory, select the VSA89600_demos_prj folder, and click Choose.

See Also

Troubleshooting ADS

Demod Summary Tables and ADS