Input Extensions (PSA)

This topic lists and describes the Input Extensions that are unique to the Keysight 89600 VSA with Keysight PSA measurement systems.

The Input Extensions modifies parameters for the selected hardware. A parameter can be changed by clicking the text box by the parameter name and entering a value. For True/False values, a check in the check box sets the value to True. A cleared check box sets the value to False.

Click Preset All to preset all input extension parameters across all logical instruments and channels.

Table of PSA Hardware Configuration Parameters




ADCDither (PSA opt 122 or opt 140 only)



















If the value is True, Wideband IF dither is turned on. This can improve distortion measurements at the expense of noise floor. The default value is True (dither ON.)


If the value is False, the PSA instrument display will not update. If the value is True, the PSA display will update to show measurement results. Default is False.

The 89600/PSA combination runs faster if the value is False.


The PSA has external trigger connectors on both front and rear panels. The connector to use can be specified by setting the value to Frontor Rear. Default is Front.

This setting applies only when the PSA is setup as an ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter. When the PSA is used as a downconverter, this setting is ignored.

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(Option 123, Switchable uWave Preselector Bypass, only)


The Preselector Bypass parameter selects the preselector and only applies it to measurements above 3 GHz Gigahertz: A frequency measurement which equals one billion hertz.. This parameter is ignored if option 123 is not installed. Default is False.

False: The preselector (YIG-tuned preselection filter) is bypassed for measurements above 3 GHz. This selection increases amplitude accuracy for wideband measurements however, at the expense of selectivity and image protection.

True: The preselector (YIG-tuned preselection filter) is used for measurements above 3 GHz. This selection provides full image protection guarding against aliasing products.

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If the value is True, the instrument accepts input from its front panel. If the value is False, the instrument front panel is locked and no input is accepted. Default is False.

Setting the value to True can interfere with communication between other applications and other GPIB instruments.

Take care not to change parameters that will interfere with 89600 measurements, such as data sample rate or sweep time.

This is useful for diagnostic purposes or to change PSA parameters that the 89600 software does not set.

Some changes made from the PSA front panel may be overwritten by the 89600 software. These changes are more likely to be noticed if PSA display updates are enabled when changes are made from the PSA front panel.

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This parameter is useful for setting parameters on the PSA that cannot be set directly from the 89600 user interface.

SCPI commands are entered separated by semicolons. SCPI Query commands are not supported. Whenever the 89600 needs to preset the PSA it will send these user SCPI commands followed by other commands from the 89600. Be aware that the 89600 preset will overwrite conflicting user SCPI commands.

Example commands



turns on verbose error messages on the PSA front panel and also turns on auto dithering

To enter SCPI preset commands, follow these steps:

  1. Click Input > Extensions.
  2. On the Extension tab , click in the text box following UserSCPIPreset.
  3. Type in the SCPI commands, separated by semicolons.
  4. Click OK.

For detailed information on SCPI commands for the PSA, refer to PSA programming documentation.

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