Input Extensions (M3102A)

For the M3102A, the only parameters available are Ch1-4 Delay.

Ch1 Delay

Delays the channel 1 data by the specified amount in seconds. This can be useful for doing fine delay corrections between channels when using channel differencing. Channel delay is relative to the trigger delay from the VSA API 1) Access Preamble Indicator, or 2) Application Programming Interface. Limited to +/- 10 ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter samples.

Ch2 Delay

Delays the channel 2 data by the specified amount in seconds. This can be useful for doing fine delay corrections between channels when using channel differencing. Channel delay is relative to the trigger delay from the VSA API. Limited to +/- 10 ADC samples.

Ch3 Delay

Delays the channel 3 data by the specified amount in seconds. This can be useful for doing fine delay corrections between channels when using channel differencing. Channel delay is relative to the trigger delay from the VSA API. Limited to +/- 10 ADC samples.

Ch4 Delay

Delays the channel 4 data by the specified amount in seconds. This can be useful for doing fine delay corrections between channels when using channel differencing. Channel delay is relative to the trigger delay from the VSA API. Limited to +/- 10 ADC samples.


To specify Ch Delay for a particular channel, follow these steps:

  1. Be sure that the M3102A is selected as the Current Analyzer Configuration
  2. Click Input > Extensions
  3. Enter a delay value for the desired channel.

Click Preset All to preset all input extension parameters across all logical instruments and channels.

See Also

About Keysight M3102A Digitizer

M3102A Channel Differencing for I+jQ Measurements