Supported File Formats
Sharing Data With Other Applications

This topic provides a list of the general file format types supported by the 89600 VSA and also links to more specific documentation for a specific data type.

Supported File Formats

E3238S Time Snapshot is only valid for recalling a recording.

SDF (Export) is only used for saving a recording. The SDF (Fast) format is used to recall all SDF files.

Trigger corrections (delay and phase) are not currently applied to the exported data when exporting a file to a non-SDF (Fast) format.

Mat-file (Version 4) is not used for recalling a trace or recording. The MAT-file (MATLAB) fomat is used to recall this format.

N5106 Waveform is not valid for recalling a trace.

CSV and Text files are ASCII. MATLAB, N5106A Waveform, N5110A Waveform, E3238S Time Snapshot, SDF and BINF files are binary.

If you are saving traces and will be recalling them back into the 89600 VSA as a trace, do not use the N5106A Waveform format. The MATLAB format is the most compact.

If you are saving or recalling traces to or from another program or application, you must use the format that is compatible with that program or application.

File Format Specifics

Each data type has some unique file format differences. For more detailed file format information about a particular data type, click on the applicable link:

See Also

About Sharing Data