Sharing Data With Other Applications

You can generate a signal in MATLAB, then recall it into the VSA for display and/or further manipulation. You can also save a recording or trace from the VSA, recall it into MATLAB for data analysis, save and recall the recording or trace back into the VSA for viewing.

Supported MATLAB formats
MATLAB version Maximum data size (Recall recording)

Version 4 and earlier

2 GB file size

Version 5 or newer

2 GB file size

Version 7 Unicode text and file compression

(default VSA MATLAB format)

2 GB file size

Version 7.3 (uses HDF5)

HDF5 is Version 5 of the Hierarchical Data Format, which is a product of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). The NCSA develops software and file formats for scientific data management.

You can recall a HDF5 file created by any application that generates HDF5 files, but the HDF5 file needs to be recalled using the file type MAT-file (HDF5) in the Recall dialog.

263 samples per channel.

The 89600 VSA can create larger MATLAB files than can be recalled with MATLAB (depending on the available memory of the PC). To reduce the size of a file, you can save a specific portion of the trace by setting a start point and an end point and selecting the Between playback start/stop time option.

In addition to saving and recalling MATLAB files, you can use the .NET API 1) Access Preamble Indicator, or 2) Application Programming Interface to control the 89600 VSA directly from a MATLAB program. The .NET API Reference includes a MATLAB Measurement Demo example program that shows you how to use MATLAB to access the .NET API.

See Also

Supported File Formats