This Data Header variable is a datatype attribute for array variables. This allows reading the number of points/rows in the data arrays without fully reading the data. Because this information may be important for efficient reading of large CSV and TXT files, NextItemArray is included in the saved file even if Save header with data is not selected in the Save > Save Selected trace > Save Options dialog.
NextItemArray[Type|#Elements|Complex Data]
Type - Data type
2 - short, 16 bit integer
3 - int, 32 bit integer
4 - float, 32-bit floating point value
5 - double, 64-bit floating point value
8 - string
11 - bool
20 - long long, 64-bit integer
#Elements - Number of elements in the array
Complex Data - TRUE or FALSE. If the data is complex, there will be two values per line (the first is the real part and the second is the imaginary value).
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In this example, the saved file contains an array that is of type 4 (float, 32-bit floating point value), has 1048576 elements, and is complex data with two values (real, imaginary) per line.