Text (Multitone Definition Files)
Sharing Data With Other Applications

Some optional measurement types (e.g., Channel Quality Measurement) support saving and recalling multitone definition files from within the measurement's parameter dialog. The file format is also compatible with N7621 Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion exported multitone definitions.

The text (*.TXT) format looks like the following example:

Enabled RelativeFrequencyInHz GainInDB PhaseInDegrees

1 -1820000000 0 0

1 -1300000000 0 0

1 -780000000 0 0

1 -260000000 0 0

1 260000000 0 0

1 780000000 0 0

1 1300000000 0 0

1 1820000000 0 0

Enabled: 0-Enabled; 1-Disabled

RelativeFrequencyInHz: All tones must have constant tone spacing to be compatible with the channel quality measurement. 0 Hz is equivalent to the measurement center frequency.

See Also

Save (Channel Quality)

Recall (Channel Quality)