Comp IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error (TD-SCDMA)

When TD-SCDMA Demodulation is enabled, the Comp IQ Mag Error and Comp IQ Phase Error traces show the error between the I/Q measured and the I/Q reference signals for the composite signal.

Comp IQ Mag Error shows the magnitude error and Comp IQ Phase Error shows the phase error for the composite signal.

The Midamble field of the traffic timeslot is included in the data analysis. The shading in the trace display indicates the location of the midamble. The demodulation algorithm cannot deal with more than one midamble shift (k). If more than one midamble shift exists, the data is invalid and an error message appears.

For filter settling reasons, 4 chips at the start and end of the timeslot are ignored, resulting in data results that are 8 chips shorter than the full traffic timeslot length (not including the GP).


This trace data is determined just like it is for the IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error trace data for Digital Demodulation, see IQ Mag Error and IQ Phase Error (Digital Demod) trace data.

See Also

Channel 1 Comp Trace Data

Trace Data (TD-SCDMA)