Descramble Mode (802.11b/g DSSS/CCK/PBCC)
DSSS/CCK/PBCC Preset to Standard table
: Refer toDescramble Mode enable/disables the WLAN 802.11b/g descrambler. With this feature, the descrambled or raw data bits for the preamble, header or payload data fields can be viewed separately. The Preamble data bits are shown in the Preamble Syms trace data display, the Header data bits are shown in the Header Syms trace data display and the Payload data bits are shown in the Syms/Errs trace data display:
: The Descrambler is ON, the Preamble, Header, and Payload data bits are descrambled.
: The Descrambler is OFF, the Preamble, Header, and Payload data bits are not descrambled.
: Only the Preamble data bits are descrambled. The Header data bits and Payload data bits are not descrambled.
: Only the Preamble and Header data bits are descrambled. The Payload data bits are not descrambled.
Using Descramble Mode
demodulation property in conjunction with the trace data, trace data, and trace data displays provide an easy way to separately validate and/or troubleshoot the signals Preamble, Header and/or Payload data bits.If the VSA shows the "Could not detect burst type" message, use these features to verify the signal's synchronization bits in the PLCP Preamble SYNC field and modulation type bits in the PLCP Header SIGNAL data field.
should generally be set to match the scrambling of the incoming signal. If the input signal has the preamble scrambled, the VSA must descramble the preamble in order to properly sync to the preamble. Similarly, if the input signal has the header scrambled, the VSA must descramble the header in order to properly detect the data modulation type and burst length. If descrambling of the header is disabled, manually specify the Data Modulation Type ( ) and Result Length ( ).
See Also