IQ Ref (802.11n/ac/ax/be)

IQ Ref shows the reference IQ values of the subcarriers. There is one complex value for each subcarrier for each symbol-time in the burst.

Normally this trace data is displayed as a constellation (Const or I-Q trace format). The constellation display shows both data and pilot subcarriers, shown with different colors.

This is similar to Digital Demodulation IQ Ref Time. The difference is that there are multiple values at each symbol-time, rather than just a single value.

To change the data subcarrier symbol color, click Utilities > Display Preferences > Color and select a new color for the active Mod Type Element. The default colors are:

Magenta for BPSK Binary phase shift keying - A type of phase modulation using 2 distinct carrier phases to signal ones and zeros. (Mod Type 1)
Red for QPSK Quadrature phase shift keying (Mod Type 2)
Blue for 16 QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (Mod Type 3)
Green for 64 QAM (Mod Type 4)
Yellow for 256 QAM (Mod Type 5)

See Also

Available Trace Data (802.11n HT OFDM)