Available Features (802.11a/g/j/p OFDM)

The following features are available with 802.11a/g/j/p OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: OFDM employs multiple overlapping radio frequency carriers, each operating at a carefully chosen frequency that is Orthogonal to the others, to produce a transmission scheme that supports higher bit rates due to parallel channel operation. OFDM is an alternative tranmission scheme to DSSS and FHSS. Demodulation:

These features are available with Digital Demod but not available for 802.11a/g/j/p OFDM Demodulation:

See Also

Available Trace Data (802.11a/g/j/p OFDM)

About 802.11a/g/j/p OFDM Modulation Analysis

About Averaging