Record / Playback - Trace Recording Tool


To use this feature you must have Data Link version 6.56 or greater. If you do not have the correct version of Data Link, download the Data Link software from

Learn more, refer to

FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe and DC.exe are not case sensitive. It is OK, to enter as: ffoxdatalinkconsole.exe or dc.exe.

When using the FTP command (-csessionftp), it is not necessary to enter the complete directory path. The FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe (dc.exe) command defaults to the USERDATA\RecordPlayback\GPSA directory to FTP the AutoSessionxx file.

Data Link downloads the Data Link Console software to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Keysight\FieldFox Data Link 6.x. If FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe (dc.exe) is not found, use the Windows Prompt Command cd to change the directory location and rerun the executable (e.g., dc.exe).

In this topic:

Learn how to convert record and playback sessions that are stored on your FieldFox or on your PC to CSV files.


Capture Current Trace is available ONLY in CAT , NA, OTA, RTSA, and SA modes.


Capture Current Trace is only available when used with FieldFox firmware version A.6.56 and above.

Note: To learn more about capturing data, refer to FieldFox User's Guide (Unabridged) A-Series N9927-90020, the B-Series N9938-90006, and A-Series N9915-90020.

Using Data Link's Command Line Tool


The FieldFox SA mode creates/saves an AutoSession folder in the USERDATA\RecordPlayback\GPSA directory (i.e., GPSA is an example. Other data files use different names. Refer to your instrument's User's Guide).

The AutoSession can be opened from any PC using the Data Link software.

There are two steps necessary to convert your AutoSession data to CSV files using Data Link's Command Line Tool:

  1. Transfer AutoSession over LAN using FTP (For copying Session folders from the FieldFox to your PC).

  2. Convert AutoSession to CSV on local PC. See Using a local PC storage device.

Transfer AutoSession over LAN using FTP (for copying a Session folder from the FieldFox to your PC):


This section assumes you have already downloaded Data Link version 6.56 or greater. If not, download the Data Link software from

Above 4 GB of file size the FieldFox generates out of memory errors.

When larger Session files are converted on the FieldFox, the FieldFox displays a progress bar.   

While CSV files can be can be saved on the FieldFox, it is recommended that a PC is used to convert larger Session files and for faster Session file conversions. See Using a Local PC Storage (for Conversion / Playback on a PC).

  1. On your instrument: Connect FieldFox to a LAN line.

  2. Run and save your measurement session.

IMPORTANT! You must complete 1 loop, before copying a session to your PC.

Note: the FieldFox stores Session folders periodically based on settings. To learn more about Record Playback and capturing data, refer to FieldFox User's Guide (Unabridged) A-Series N9927-90020, the B-Series N9938-90006, and A-Series N9915-90020.

  1. On your PC: Open Windows Command Prompt.

  1. Then:

To FTP the file over and convert to CSV on your PC.


DC.exe  -v -cSessionftp "" “AutoSession01”  


- is the Current IP Address of the FieldFox (e.g.,

- AutoSession01 is the name of your trace recording (Session Data) file.

- “c:\Users\YourLocalFileFolderName” is the path name on your PC where your AutoSession file will be stored.



Quotes should be used, if spaces are present in the paths. Otherwise they are optional.

The FieldFox creates/saves Session files to a folder in the USERDATA/RecordPlayback/GPSA directory (i.e., GPSA is an example. Other data files use different names. Refer to your instrument's User's Guide).

  1. Press Return

Using a Local PC Storage Device (for Conversion / Playback on a PC):

Note: the FieldFox stores Session folders periodically at a specified rate. To learn more about Record Playback and capturing data, refer to FieldFox User's Guide (Unabridged) A-Series N9927-90020, the B-Series N9938-90006, and A-Series N9915-90020.

  1. In the Command Prompt window:


DC.exe  -v -cSession2Csv "c:\users\yourlocalfoldername\AutoSession02" “c:\users\YourLocalFileFolderName\data\”  


- "c:\users\yourlocalfoldername\AutoSession02" is the path for the session file to be converted to CSV.

- AutoSession02 is the name of your trace recording (Session Data) file.

- “\users\YourLocalFileFolderName\data\” is the folder name on your PC that your converted Session Data (CSV) is to be copied.



Quotes are shown for clarity around the commands. Quotes are optional, if there are no spaces between the command line text. But, quotes are required, if there are spaces in the command line text.

The FieldFox creates/saves Session files to a folder in the USERDATA/GPSA directory (i.e., GPSA is an example. Other data files use different names. Refer to your instrument's User's Guide).

  1. Press Return

Command Line Help

Note: The Data Link Console accepts either FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe or DC.exe. The commands are not case sensitive (e.g., ffoxdatalinkconsole.exe and dc.exe are OK).

  1. On your PC: Open Windows command prompt.

  2. In the Command Prompt window: See description of valid syntax with “-?” command argument.
    Enter:    FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe -?


FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe [-?] [-v] [-traces <tracecount>] |

                 [-cSession2Csv <local Session pathname> <destination folder pathname> |

                  -cSessionftp <ipAddress> <Session Name> <destination folder pathname>]



        tracecount is integer value between 1000 and 3600.  Default value is 2500

        local Session pathname is a string identifies location of Session folder.  Wildcard characters not allowed.

        destination folder pathname is a string.  Wildcard characters not allowed

        ipAddress is a string.  Must be in the form:


         -?     Display this help message

         -v     Verbose

         -traces        Specify upper limit count for number traces per converted CSV file.

         -cSession2CSV  Convert locally stored FieldFox GPSA trace recording Session folder to CSV files.  Send files to local destination folder

         -cSessionftp   Copy GPSA Session trace recording folder on remote FieldFox at specified IP Address.  Send files to local destination folder



         > FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe -v  -cSession2Csv "D:\UserData\RecordPlayback\GPSA\AutoSession01" "c:\Results\March12-2019\MyFileFolder"

         > FFoxDataLinkConsole.exe -v  -cSessionftp ""  "AutoSession01" "c:\Results\March12-2019\MyFileFolder"

Creating Session Folders Data

If you do not have a LAN connection to the FieldFox for playback, either save the AutoSession to a USB stick (when recording), or copy the directory to a USB stick after recording.


Then in Data Link go to:

  1. Tools > Playback > Open Playback Session

  2. Open the AutoSession

Note: If a conversion error is displayed, ignore it. The file should open and playback.


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