(Read-Only) Reads data from the current channel measurement (Channel Power, Occupied Bandwidth, or Adjacent Channel Power).

  • The number of values that are returned depends on the type of channel measurement.

  • The units for the values depend on the currently displayed units.

  • Offsets that are not defined return invalid data.


Data is returned in the following format:

Main channel - main channel power in dBm.

Main channel - main channel Power Spectral Density (PSD) in dBm/Hz.

Main channel - relative power to main channel power (this value is always zero).


Lower Offset Frequency (1) -  channel power for lower offset 1 in dBm.

Lower Offset Frequency (1) -  PSD for lower offset 1 in dBm/Hz.

Lower Offset Frequency (1) -  relative power of lower ACPR for offset 1 in dBc or dB.


Upper Offset Frequency (1) -  channel power for upper offset 1 in dBm.

Upper Offset Frequency (1) -  PSD for upper offset 1 in dBm/Hz.

Upper Offset Frequency (1) -  relative power of upper ACPR for offset 1 in dBc or dB.


Lower Offset Frequency (2) -  channel power for lower offset 2 in dBm.

Lower Offset Frequency (2) -  PSD for lower offset 2 in dBm/Hz.

Lower Offset Frequency (2) -  relative power of lower ACPR for offset 2 in dBc or dB.


Upper Offset Frequency (2) -  channel power for upper offset 2 in dBm.

Upper Offset Frequency (2) -  PSD for upper offset 2 in dBm/Hz.

Upper Offset Frequency (2) -  relative power of upper ACPR for offset 2 in dBc or dB.


Lower Offset Frequency (3) -  channel power for lower offset 3 in dBm.

Lower Offset Frequency (3) -  PSD for lower offset 3 in dBm/Hz.

Lower Offset Frequency (3) -  relative power of lower ACPR for offset 3 in dBc or dB.


Upper Offset Frequency (3) -  channel power for upper offset 3 in dBm.

Upper Offset Frequency (3) -  PSD for upper offset 3 in dBm/Hz.

Upper Offset Frequency (3) -  relative power of upper ACPR for offset 3 in dBc or dB.



For Spectral Emission Mask (SEM):

This returns an array of 68 comma separated Values (index 0 thru index 67)

Value[0]  is  “1” for Overall FAILure, or “0” for PASS

(the next 3 entries are the primary Reference Channel measurement results, seen on-screen by varying MeasType)

Value[1]  is the Total Power integrated for the reference channel

Value[2] is the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the reference channel

Value[3] is the Spectrum Peak amplitude found in the reference channel


(the last 64 entries are 8 per offset, for up to 8 offset segments, beginning with the first offset #1)

(first indeces 4-7 are for the Lower (Negative) side of offset #1)

Value[4] is “1” for FAILure of this segment side  (“0” for PASS)

Value[5] is the peak power (or PSD) value closest to the limit (noted peak, seen as column dBm or dBm/Hz)

Value[6] is the relative dB limit value for the noted peak (power relative to the limit, seen as column dB lim)

Value[7] is the offset frequency for the noted peak (seen as column pk Freq)


(next indeces 8-11 are for the Upper (Positive) side of offset #1)

Value[8] is “1” for FAILure of this segment side  (“0” for PASS)

Value[9] is the peak power (or PSD) value closest to the limit (noted peak, seen as column dBm or dBm/Hz)

Value[10] is the relative dB limit value for the noted peak (power relative to the limit, seen as column dB lim)

Value[11] is the offset frequency for the noted peak (seen as column pk Freq)


The above 8-pattern repeats, for offset #2 thru offset #8… covering indeces #12 thru #67

If any offset is disabled, or any offset side is restricted, then ZEROs will fill the 4 or 8 Value slots for that segment/side.


Relevant Modes



The following data is returned for an ACPR channel measurement.

Offsets that are not defined return invalid data.


'With only one defined offset, returns


Return Type

Block data


Not Applicable

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