Instrument Console (IC)

IC is a free utility that can be used to run simple example programs to control the FieldFox.

This utility is NOT supported. Use 'As-is'.

Download Instrument Console at Instrument Console (IC) ( - (ic.exe).

Download to your PC and then double-click on IC.exe to install.

Note: IC requires .NET (version 2.0 or later). If IC does NOT run, then download .NET at:


IC can be used with IO libraries or by directly connecting to an IP address.

If an error is continuously returned, try increasing the timeout. (-t <time in seconds).

Then reconnect by issuing -a <address>

IC Command Summary:


shows this help screen

-a <address>

sets a new address, e.g.

<address> can be an IP address, a VISA address or alias, LAN hostname, or InstrumentConsole alias.


detach from currently connected instrument.


Clear IO stream.  Experimental.


re-attach to currently connected instrument.


-t< time in secs>

returns current timeout

sets a new timeout, e.g. "-t .010" for 10ms

-w <time in msecs>

wait (pause) execution for the specified amount of time


set/remove/query automatic SYST:ERR? after sending a command/query string


List VISA instruments and aliases.

-alias x=[y]

Adds an alias 'x' for instrument name 'y'

If y is omitted, alias x is cleared.


Returns existing aliases.

-sp <script path>

Sets ';' delimited path to locate scripts.


Returns the script path.

-p [Message]

Pauses execution, prints optional Message, user must  press return to continue.

-v|-verify <$n<==|!=>value >

verify value in $n,

    where n=0 is most recent result (0<=n<=9)

     e.g. "-v $0==1" will pass after a *OPC?

     IC will exit with -1 if verify test fails.


performs ShellExecute on <string>


opens filename and executes all lines of text

Lines beginning with # in the 1st column are treated as  comments


sends command to the instrument


sends a command, then reads back data


quits the program

Alpha support has been added for I/O redirection so that data can be read to/from files as part of sending command strings.

E.g.:  SENS:FREQ:STAR < freq.txt where freq.txt contains a string such as "3e9"


SENS:FREQ:STAR? > freq.txt  to dump the start frequency to freq.txt

This program also allows binaries to be properly redirected to a file, e.g. to save and get a screenshot PNG file, you can now do this (and it works without corrupting the PNG file):

MMEM:STOR:IMAG "my.png"    this saves a png file on the FieldFox.

MMEM:DATA? "my.png" > my.png     this transfers the file to the PC.