This is a MATLAB example that enables you to control the FieldFox family of Combination Analyzers. This example does not rely the VISA libraries or a VISA connection. Connection to the targeted analyzer is via TCP/IP and sockets at port number 5025, as supported by the Keysight Technologies FieldFox handheld combination analyzers.
- The sample program sets the Keysight Technologies FieldFox handheld analyzer to "NA" (network analyzer) mode.
- The DUT is a 177MHz wideband band-pass filter.
- The application then acquires S21 transmission data and frequency stimulus data via binary bin-block data transfers.
- The resultant data is plotted in the MatLab GUI as a logMag versus frequency X-Y plot.
Note: In the following example: "%" indicates a comment |
% Instantiate connection to Keysight FieldFox via LAN as Socket at Port 5025 % Alter the TCPIP address to match your targeted FieldFox IP address. fieldFox = tcpip('',5025); %Set input and output buffer defualt sizes set(fieldFox, 'InputBufferSize', 8096); set(fieldFox, 'OutputBufferSize', 8069); % Default binary data read is BigEndian resulting in corrupt data. % Modify return of binary data from default BigEndian to LittleEndian % via MathWorks SET command set(fieldFox,'ByteOrder', 'littleEndian') % Open session to fieldFox at address / port as noted above. fopen(fieldFox); % 'Hello World' equivalent, i.e. Identification Query String fprintf(fieldFox,'*IDN?\n'); myId = fscanf(fieldFox,'%c') % Clear the status registers and all potential error indications within the % error queue prior to starting applications. Also, check the error queue via % 'SYST:ERR?' error query and ensure the error indication is '0, "No Error". fprintf(fieldFox,'*CLS\n'); fprintf(fieldFox,'SYST:ERR?\n'); initErrCheck = fscanf(fieldFox,'%c') % Set Instrument and various other important items % Instrument mode to Network Analyzer fprintf(fieldFox,'INST:SEL ''NA''') % Trigger mode to continuous off fprintf(fieldFox,'INIT:CONT 0\n') % Set start and stop frequencies. DUT is a wideband 177MHz bandpass filter (BPF). fprintf(fieldFox,'FREQ:STAR 60E6;STOP 300E6\n') % Set number of trace points fprintf(fieldFox,'SWE:POIN 101\n') % Trace 1 to measurement of S21 and select that measurement as active fprintf(fieldFox,'CALC:PAR1:DEF S21;SEL\n') % Hold off for operation complete to ensure settings fprintf(fieldFox,'*OPC?\n') done = fscanf(fieldFox,'%1d')
% Trigger single sweep with hold off via *OPC? Operation Complete Query. % For long sweeps times there may be a TCPIP hold off or time out setting that % must be increased. fprintf(fieldFox,'INIT;*OPC?\n') trigComplete = fscanf(fieldFox,'%1d')
%Query FORMATTED data from fieldFox % Set data format to real-32 bin block transfer fprintf(fieldFox, 'FORM:DATA REAL,32\n') fprintf(fieldFox,'CALC:DATA:FDATA?\n') myBinData = binblockread(fieldFox,'float') % There will be a line feed not read, i.e. hanging. Read it to clear buffer. % If you do not read the hanging line feed a -410, "Query Interrupted % Error" will occur hangLineFeed = fread(fieldFox,1)
%Query of x-axis stimulus % Set data format to real-64 bin block transfer. Real 64 bit to ensure % Hz resolution in GHz capable analyzers. fprintf(fieldFox, 'FORM:DATA REAL,64\n') fprintf(fieldFox,'SENS:FREQ:DATA?\n') myBinStimulusData = binblockread(fieldFox,'double') % There will be a line feed not read, i.e. hanging. Read it to clear buffer. hangLineFeed = fread(fieldFox,1) % Within the MatLab GUI display data and stimulus numbers and plot same display myBinData display myBinStimulusData
% MatLab plot related commands and efforts:
% Convert FieldFox returned frequency data to units of MHz myStimulusDataMHz = myBinStimulusData/1E6
clear title xlabel ylabel
plot(myStimulusDataMHz, myBinData) title('S21 : 177MHz Band Pass Filter') xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') ylabel ('Log Mag (dB)')
% Check Error Queue. A "*CLS" was asserted at the beginning of the % application. This will clear the entire error queue. Upon completion of % the application the error queue is queried a final time. If the % application is written correctly and there are no hardware failures the % final error query check via 'SYST:ERR?' should return '0, "No Error" else % the application is in error. fprintf(fieldFox, 'SYST:ERR?') finalErrCheck = fscanf(fieldFox, '%c') %Close session to instrument prior to completion fclose(fieldFox); |