Memory Command Examples

These commands are used for memory storage and retrieval.

See also MMEM:DATA.

Note:  If you attempt to save a filename that has already been saved at the specified memory location, the FieldFox displays the following error message:

Error -257, File name error; Storage Path "[INTERNAL]:\my_file" is not allowed.

:MMEMory:DATA "<file_name>",#ABC

This command writes <data> into "<file_name>", where <data> is in 488.2 block format.  

The FieldFox expects to see waveform data as block data (binary files). The IEEE standard 488.2-1992 section 7.7.6 defines block data. The following example shows how to structure a SCPI command for downloading waveform data where #ABC represents the block data.


The file name can be the short name, full file path, or NVWFM format.

  • Use the short name ("my_file"); the file will be stored in the default internal FieldFox directory:  [INTERNAL]:\InternalSD\UserData.

  • Use the file path: "[INTENAL]:\my_data_folder\my_file" (recommended)
    Note: You will need to create "my_data_folder", before saving your data.

  • Other examples of storage location syntax:

  • Examples of deleting files. See also MMEM:DEL.
    Delete file from active drive/folder

    MMEM:DEL "MyOldFile.sta"

    'Delete file from USB
    MMEM:DEL "[USBDISK]:\MyOldFile.sta"


This character indicates the beginning of the data block.


Number of decimal digits present in B


Decimal number specifying the number of data bytes to follow in C


Actual binary waveform data



Note:  The following commands are not supported for non-volatile waveform memory (NVWFM).

:MMEMory:CATalog? "<file_system>"

This query outputs a list of the files from the specified file system. The return data will be in the following form: <mem_used>,<mem_free>{,"<file_listing>"}.


:MMEMory:CDIRectory "[<directory_name>]", "[<directory_name>]"


This command changes the directory name for a file system. If no parameter is specified, the directory is set to the *RST value. At *RST, this value is set to the default user data directory. The query returns the full path of the default directory.


:MMEMory:COPY "<file_name>","<file_name>"

This command makes a duplicate of the requested file.


:MMEMory:DELete "<file_name>",<directory_name>

This command removes a file from the specified directory.


:MMEMory:MDIRectory <directory_name>

This command creates a new directory where the <directory name> parameter specifies the name of the new directory.

:MMEMory:MOVE "<src_file>","<src_file_1>"

This command renames the src_file to src_file_1.

:MMEMory:RDIRectory <directory_name>

This command removes a directory where the <directory_name> parameter specifies the name of the directory to be removed. All files and directories under the specified directory are also removed.


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Added 10.00.