C++ Example

The following example uses the smart pointer created by Microsoft Visual Studio. The calls to CoInitialize and CoUninitialize open and close the COM libraries.

Also notice that the pointers local to the main routine are explicitly released. When smart pointers go out of scope, they will perform this duty implicitly. However, we are calling CoUninitialize before they have the chance to be destroyed, so we are obliged to release them.

// An example program to illustrate the use of #import to bind to the
// PNA type library.


#ifndef _UNICODE

#define _UNICODE



#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
// import the network analyzer type library
#import "C:/Program Files/Common Files/Keysight/Pna/835x.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
// include the error definitions for the PNA so we can implement
// error handling.
#include "C:/Program Files/Common Files/Keysight/Pna/errorsystemmessage.h"
IApplicationPtr pNA; // top level application pointer
float fScalarData [1601]; // global buffer for data retrieval
float fScalarData2[1601];
DWORD dwCookie;
// SetupChannel:
// input: pointer to the channel
// function: sets properties on the channel
void SetupChannel(IChannelPtr pChannel)
  pChannel->put_StartFrequency( 1.2E9 );
  pChannel->put_StopFrequency ( 4.2E9 );
  pChannel->put_NumberOfPoints ( 201);

// AcquireData:
// input: pointer to the channel
// function: single sweeps the channel
void AcquireData( IChannelPtr pChannel )
  pChannel->Single( TRUE );
// ReadData:
// input: pointer to the Measurement object
// function: reads data from the measurment's formatted
// result data buffer
void ReadScalarData(IMeasurementPtr pMeas )
  IArrayTransferPtr pDataTransfer;
  pDataTransfer = pMeas;
  long numVals = 1601;
  float* pData = fScalarData;
  pDataTransfer->getScalar( naMeasResult, naDataFormat_LogMag, &numVals, pData);
  for (int i = 0; i < numVals; i++)
  TCHAR msg[100];
  BSTR param;
  swprintf(msg,L"Review %s data",param);
  MessageBox(NULL,msg,L"User Message",0);

void ReadComplexData(IMeasurementPtr pMeas )
  IArrayTransferPtr pDataTransfer;
  pDataTransfer = pMeas;
  long numVals = 1601;
  float* pReal= fScalarData;
  float* pImag = fScalarData2;
  pDataTransfer->getPairedData( naRawData, naRealImaginary, &numVals, pReal, pImag);
  for (int i = 0; i < numVals; i++)
  printf("%d/t%f/t%f/n",i,pReal[i], pImag[i]);
  TCHAR msg[100];
  BSTR param;
  swprintf(msg,L"Review %s data",param);
  MessageBox(NULL,msg,L"User Message",0);
// PutData:
// input: pointer to the Measurement object
// function: writes data to the measurement's raw data
// buffer
void PutData( IMeasurementPtr pMeas )
  IArrayTransferPtr pDataTransfer;
  pDataTransfer = pMeas;
  long numVals = 201;
  NAComplex* pComplex = new NAComplex[numVals];
  pComplex[0].Im = 0;
  pComplex[0].Re = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < numVals; i++)
  pComplex[i].Im = (float)sin(i)/i;
  pComplex[i].Re = (float)cos(i)/i;
  pDataTransfer->putNAComplex( naRawData, numVals, pComplex, naDataFormat_Polar);
  delete [] pComplex;
// printError
void printError( HRESULT hr)
  BSTR text;
  hr = pNA->get_MessageText ((NAEventID) hr, &text);
  MessageBox(NULL,text,L"Network Analyzer error",0);

// main
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  const long channel1 = 1;
  const long window1 = 1;
  const long srcport = 1;
  IMeasurementPtr pMeasurement;
  IChannelPtr pChannel;
  // initialize COM libraries
  try {
  pNA = IApplicationPtr("AgilentPNA835x.Application.1");

  pNA->CreateMeasurement (channel1, "S21",srcport, 3);
  hr = pNA->get_ActiveChannel( &pChannel);
  if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
  SetupChannel( pChannel);
  hr= pNA->get_ActiveMeasurement( &pMeasurement);
  if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
  pMeasurement->put_Format( naDataFormat_Polar);
  ReadScalarData( pMeasurement);
  ReadComplexData( pMeasurement);
  if (FAILED(hr))
  // make sure to release the remaining pointers
  // before calling CoUninitialize
  catch (_com_error err)
  printError( err.Error() );
  return 0;