ENR File Management Example

This VB Script program illustrates ENR file management using COM commands.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as Calibrate.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Other COM Example Programs

' Sample VBS program illustrating COM commands for ENR file management.


option explicit

dim pna   ' application

dim enr   ' ENRFile object

dim scpi, hostname


set pna=CreateObject("agilentpna835x.application")

set scpi = pna.ScpiStringParser

set enr = pna.ENRFile


' Generate data to put in ENR file

Dim vdata(3)

vdata(0) = 100E6    ' first frequency point

vdata(1) = 14.532   ' first ENR value

vdata(2) = 20E9      ' second frequency point

vdata(3) = 15.731   ' second ENR value


' send data to ENRFile object



' Set noise source serial number

enr.ENRSN = "ABCD1234"


' Write ENR file to disk

enr.SaveENRFile("C:/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Documents/sample.enr")


The contents of the file created by this program are shown below.

[Filetype ENR]

[Version 1.0]

[Serialnumber ABCD1234]

!       Frequency    ENR

!          Hz        dB

        100000000  14.53200

           2e+010  15.73100