Perform a Guided Cal with C#

The following example performs a 2-port or 4-port Guided Cal using C#.

Note: Replace <remote host name> with the full computer name of your PNA.

Learn more about using .NET with the PNA


AgilentPNA835x.IApplication pna;

        AgilentPNA835x.ICalManager3 calMgr;

        AgilentPNA835x.IGuidedCalibration guidedCal;

        AgilentPNA835x.IChannel chan;

        int chanNum;

        AgilentPNA835x.ICalSet calset;

        void PerformGuidedCal()


            Type pnaType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("AgilentPNA835x.Application", "<remote host name>");

            pna = (AgilentPNA835x.IApplication)


            calMgr = (AgilentPNA835x.ICalManager3)pna.GetCalManager();

            guidedCal = (AgilentPNA835x.IGuidedCalibration)calMgr.GuidedCalibration;

            chan = pna.ActiveChannel;

            chanNum = chan.channelNumber;

            // Initialize guided cal to be performed on the active channel.

            // The boolean argument of True indicates to store the cal only

            // in the channel's calibration register.  If instead you wish

            // to create a new calset that the new cal will get stored to,

            // comment out this next line and uncomment the three lines below it.

            guidedCal.Initialize(chanNum, true);

            calset = calMgr.CreateCalSet(chanNum);

            chan.SelectCalSet(calset.GetGUID(), true);

            guidedCal.Initialize(chanNum, false);


            // To perform 2-port cal, Uncomment the following

            // Then comment the 4-port cal


            // Do 2-port cal

           // TwoPortGuidedCal();


            // Do 4-port cal




        void TwoPortGuidedCal()


        // Select the connectors

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(1, "APC 3.5 female");

        guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(2,"APC 3.5 male");

        for (int i = 3; i <= pna.NumberOfPorts; i++)

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(i, "Not used");

        MessageBox.Show("Connectors defined for Ports 1 and 2");

        // Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.



        // To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above two lines

        // and uncomment the following two lines.

        // Replace N4691-60004 with your own ECAL model followed by 'ECal'.

        // Your ECal module must already be connected to a PNA USB port.

        // guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-60004 ECal"

        // guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4691-60004 ECal"

        MessageBox.Show("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 and 2");

        // Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

        int numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps();

        // Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal




        void FourPortGuidedCal()


            //Select the connectors

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(1,"APC 3.5 female");

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(2,"APC 3.5 female");

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(3,"APC 3.5 female");

            guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(4,"APC 3.5 female");

            // If a PNA which has more than 4 ports

            for (int i = 5;i<=pna.NumberOfPorts;++i)

                guidedCal.set_ConnectorType(i,"Not used");


            MessageBox.Show("Connectors defined for Ports 1 to 4");

            // Select the Cal Kit for each port being calibrated.




            guidedCal.set_CalKitType(4, "85052D");

            // To use an ECal module instead, comment out the above four lines

            // and uncomment the following four lines.

            // Replace N4691-60003 with your own ECAL model followed by 'ECal'.

            // Your ECal module must already be connected to a PNA USB port.

            //guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4431-60003 ECal";

            //guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4431-60003 ECal";

            //guidedCal.CalKitType(3) = "N4431-60003 ECal";

            //guidedCal.CalKitType(4) = "N4431-60003 ECal";

            MessageBox.Show("Cal kits defined for Ports 1 to 4");

            // Initiate the calibration


            // If your selected cal kit is not a 4-port ECal module which can

            // mate to all 4 ports at once, then you may want to choose which

            // thru connections to measure for the cal.  You must measure at

            // least 3 different thru paths for a 4-port cal (for greatest

            // accuracy you can choose to measure a thru connection for all 6

            // pairings of the 4 ports).  If you omit this command, the default

            // is to measure from port 1 to port 2, port 1 to port 3, and

            // port 1 to port 4.   For this example we select to measure

            // from port 1 to port 2, port 2 to port 3, and port 2 to port 4.

            long[] portList = new long[6]{1,2,2,3,2,4};

            guidedCal.ThruPortList = portList;

            // Re-generate the connection steps to account for the thru changes

            int numSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps();

            // Measure the standards, compute and apply the cal




        void MeasureAndComplete(int  numSteps)


            MessageBox.Show("Number of steps is " + numSteps.ToString());


            // Measure the standards

            // The following series of commands shows that standards

            // can be measured in any order. These steps acquire

            // measurement of standards in reverse order.

            // It is easiest to iterate through standards using

            // a For-Next Loop.

            for (int i = numSteps; i >= 1; --i)


                string strPrompt = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i);





            // Conclude the calibration


            MessageBox.Show("Cal is done!");
