Uploading a Source Power Cal using SCPI

Programming the PNA using COM or using SICL/VISA over LAN (as in this example) leaves the PNA free to control GPIB devices as needed. This Visual Basic program demonstrates:

Learn more about Power Calibrations

Other SCPI Example Programs

To run this program, you need:

'Session to VISA Default Resource Manager
Private defRM As Long
'Session to PNA

Private viPNA As Long
'VISA function status return code

Private status As Long
Private Sub Form_Load()
defRM = 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()

' String to receive data from the PNA.
' Dimensioned large enough to receive scalar comma-delimited values
' for 21 frequency points (20 ASCII characters per point)

Dim strReply As String * 420
Dim strPower As String, strCalPower As String
Dim strStimulus, strCalValue
Dim strResult As String

' Open the VISA default resource manager

status = viOpenDefaultRM(defRM)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Open a session (viPNA) to the PNA at "address 16" on the VISA
' interface configured as "GPIB0" on this PC.

status = viOpen(defRM, "GPIB0::16::INSTR", 0, 0, viPNA)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Set the number of sweep points to 2 on Channel 1.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SENS1:SWE:POIN 2")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Ensure there's currently no source power cal on for this channel and port.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:CORR OFF")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Specify if the cal power level is offset (positive value for a gain, negative
' value for a loss) from the PNA port power setting on the channel when no source
' power cal is active.  This is to account for components between the PNA test
' port and cal reference plane.  In this example, let's set up our calibration
' at the output of an amplifier with 15 dB gain.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:CORR:OFFS 15 DB")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Prepare for doing data transfer in ASCII format.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "FORM:DATA ASCII")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Send our source power correction data to the PNA.  For purpose of simplicity
' in this example, we'll set up for no correction (0) at our start stimulus and
' 0.5 dB at our stop stimulus (recall that our sweep currently has just 2 points).

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:CORR:DATA 0,0.5")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Set the number of sweep points to 21 on Channel 1.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SENS1:SWE:POIN 21")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Read the fixed power level for this port on Channel 1.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:LEV?")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
status = myGPIBRead(viPNA, strReply)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
strPower = strReply

' Turn the source power cal on.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:CORR ON")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Again read the fixed power level for this port on Channel 1
' (with our calibration turned on, this should now include the 15 dB offset
' we indicated our power amplifier provides).

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:LEV?")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
status = myGPIBRead(viPNA, strReply)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
strCalPower = strReply

' Read the stimulus values from Channel 1.

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SENS1:X?")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
status = myGPIBRead(viPNA, strReply)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Tokenize the reply string into an array containing the values

strStimulus = Split(strReply, ",")

' Read back the source power correction data, now interpolated for 21 points

status = myGPIBWrite(viPNA, "SOUR1:POW2:CORR:DATA?")
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError
status = myGPIBRead(viPNA, strReply)
If (status < VI_SUCCESS) Then HandleVISAError

' Tokenize the reply string into an array containing the values

strCalValue = Split(strReply, ",")

' Print the data using a message box (here, Chr returns the ASCII characters
' for Tab (9) and Linefeed (10)).

strResult = "PNA port power = " & Val(strPower) & Chr(10)
strResult = strResult & "Power at reference plane = " & Val(strCalPower) & Chr(10)  Chr(10)
strResult = strResult & "Stimulus" & Chr(9) & Chr(9) & "Cal Value" & Chr(10)
For i = 0 To UBound(strStimulus)
 strResult = strResult & Val(strStimulus(i)) & Chr(9) & Val(strCalValue(i)) & Chr(10)
MsgBox strResult
End Sub
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()

' Close the resource manager session (which also closes
' the session to the PNA).

If defRM <> 0 Then Call viClose(defRM)

' End the program
End Sub
Private Function myGPIBWrite(ByVal viHandle As Long, ByVal strOut As String) As Long

' The "+ Chr$(10)" appends an ASCII linefeed character to the
' output, for terminating the write transaction.

myGPIBWrite = viVPrintf(viHandle, strOut + Chr$(10), 0)
End Function
Private Function myGPIBRead(ByVal viHandle As Long, strIn As String) As Long
myGPIBRead = viVScanf(viHandle, "%t", strIn)

' Remove trailing linefeed character

If Right(strIn, 1) = Chr(10) Then strIn = Left(strIn, Len(strIn) - 1)
End Function
Sub HandleVISAError()
Dim strVisaErr As String * 200
Call viStatusDesc(defRM, status, strVisaErr)
MsgBox "*** Error : " + strVisaErr, vbExclamation

' Close the resource manager session (which also closes
' the session to the PNA).

If defRM <> 0 Then Call viClose(defRM)
End Sub