Create a Balanced Measurement using COM

The following program creates several Balanced measurements in separate windows, generates markers, calculates statistics, and sets limit lines and queries results.

Note: By their nature, balanced measurements are extremely sensitive to phase differences between the two RF paths that make up the balanced port, especially at higher frequencies. A good calibration (not performed in this example) is critical to achieving good balanced measurement results.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as BalancedCOM.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.


' PNA application object
Dim app

' Channel 1 object

Dim chan1

' start of marker/limit testing range

Dim minTestStimulus

' end of marker/limit testing range

Dim maxTestStimulus

' Set to true if you want additional balanced measurements.

Dim AdditionalMeasurements
AdditionalMeasurements = 1

' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")
' Preset the instrument

' Get the Channel 1 object

Set chan1 = app.Channels(1)
' Stop data taking for now.

chan1.Hold true
' Set up the start / stop frequency for Channel 1 sweep.

MHZ = 1000000
GHZ = 1000*MHZ
chan1.StartFrequency = 10  *MHZ
chan1.StopFrequency  = 1   *GHZ
chan1.NumberOfPoints = 801
' Define our test frequency range

minTestStimulus = 100*MHZ
maxTestStimulus = 900*MHZ
' This example uses DUT topology Bal-Bal -
' a DUT with a balanced input and balanced output.
' Port mapping for our DUT:
' logical port 1 = physical ports 1 and 4
' logical port 2 = physical ports 2 and 3
' The default is:
' logical port 1 = physical ports 1 and 2
' logical port 2 = physical ports 3 and 4
'  logical 1             logical 2
'          ___________
' 1 ------|           |------ 2 +
'         |    DUT    |
' 4 ------|___________|------ 3 -

chan1.BalancedTopology.SetBBPorts 1, 4, 2, 3

' Now we create some Bal-Bal measurements.
' By creating Bal-Bal measurements ("BBAL:..."),
' the channel is set to Bal-Bal topology,
' so it is not necessary to do this explicitly
' with the BalancedTopology.DUTTopology command.
' We do it here just for clarity:

chan1.BalancedTopology.DUTTopology = 2
' 0 == SE-Bal, 1 == SE-SE-Bal, 2 == Bal-Bal

' Create four windows, each showing one category of balanced measurement:
' Create Forward Transmission Measurements in Bal-Bal topology on Channel 1, window 1

' differential mode transmission

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDD21",1,1
Set sdd21_1 = app.ActiveMeasurement

' differential to common mode conversion

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCD21",1,1
Set scd21_1 = app.ActiveMeasurement

' common to differential mode conversion

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDC21",1,1
Set sdc21_1 = app.ActiveMeasurement

' common mode transmission

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCC21",1,1
Set scc21_1 = app.ActiveMeasurement

' Optionally create some additional measurements

If AdditionalMeasurements Then

' Create (logical) Port 1 reflection measurements, channel 1, window 2

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDD11",1,2 ' differential mode reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDC11",1,2 ' C to D mode conversion reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCD11",1,2 ' D to C mode conversion reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCC11",1,2 ' common mode reflection

' Create Reverse Transmission Measurements, channel 1, window 3

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDD12",1,3 ' differential mode transmission
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCD12",1,3 ' differential to common mode conversion
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDC12",1,3 ' common to differential mode conversion
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCC12",1,3 ' common mode transmission

' Create (logical) Port 2 reflection measurements in window 4

app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDD22",1,4 ' differential mode reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SDC22",1,4 ' C to D mode conversion reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCD22",1,4 ' D to C mode conversion reflection
app.CreateMeasurement 1, "BBAL:SCC22",1,4 ' common mode reflection
End If

' Set up some limit lines to verify a minimum differential insertion loss

sdd21_1.LimitTest(1).BeginStimulus = minTestStimulus
sdd21_1.LimitTest(1).EndStimulus   = maxTestStimulus
sdd21_1.LimitTest(1).BeginResponse = -2
sdd21_1.LimitTest(1).EndResponse   = -2
sdd21_1.LimitTest(1).Type = 2 ' minimum limit
sdd21_1.LimitTest.State = 1              
' Limit lines for maximum common mode to differential conversion

sdc21_1.LimitTest(1).BeginStimulus = minTestStimulus
sdc21_1.LimitTest(1).EndStimulus   = maxTestStimulus
sdc21_1.LimitTest(1).BeginResponse = -20
sdc21_1.LimitTest(1).EndResponse   = -20
sdc21_1.LimitTest(1).Type = 1 ' maximum limit
sdc21_1.LimitTest.State = 1
' Take a (synchronous) single sweep on channel 1

chan1.Single true

' Show differential forward transmission statistics.

sdd21_1.ShowStatistics = true

' Set up user range 1 to limit marker's search range.

chan1.UserRangeMin(0,1) = minTestStimulus
chan1.UserRangeMax(0,1) = maxTestStimulus

' Find/Show max common mode to differential conversion, and read back the frequency.

sdc21_1.MarkerState(1) = true
' Set marker 1 to use user range 1

sdc21_1.Marker(1).UserRange = 1  

' Find/Show max differential mode insertion loss, and read back the frequency.

sdd21_1.MarkerState(1) = true
' Set marker 1 to use user range 1

sdd21_1.Marker(1).UserRange = 1  
If sdd21_1.LimitTestFailed Then
Wscript.Echo "Differential insertion loss failed: " & sdd21_1.Marker(1).Stimulus /MHZ & "MHz, " & _sdd21_1.Marker(1).Value(1) & " dB"
End If

If sdc21_1.LimitTestFailed Then
Wscript.Echo "Common to differential conversion failed: " & sdc21_1.Marker(1).Stimulus/MHZ & "MHz, " & _sdc21_1.Marker(1).Value(1) & " dB"
End If