The following program creates an independent power calibration over a specified frequency span when performing a Cal All.
This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as BalancedCOM.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
dim host: host = "K-N5222B-10034"
dim pna: set pna = createobject("Agilentpna835x.application",host)
wscript.echo pna.idstring
pna.CreateCustomMeasurementEx 2, "Gain Compression", "S21", 1
Dim mgr
Set mgr = pna.GetCalManager
Dim CalAll
Set CalAll = mgr.CalibrateAllChannels
CalAll.Channels = Array(1,2)
CalAll.PropertyValue("Include Power Calibration") = "true"
CalAll.PropertyValue("Enable Extra Power Cals") = "Port 2,Port 3"
'Add power calibrations on port 3:
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).StartFrequency = 3e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).StopFrequency = 4e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).NumberOfPoints = 21
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(2).StartFrequency = 20e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(2).StopFrequency = 21e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(2).NumberOfPoints = 7
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(2).PowerCalRange(1).StartFrequency = 3e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(2).PowerCalRange(1).StopFrequency = 4e9
CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(2).PowerCalRange(1).NumberOfPoints = 21
dim calPorts
calPorts = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration.ValidPorts
PrintVector calPorts, "Cal Ports"
src3rangecount = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).RangeCount
wscript.echo "src3rangecount: " + cstr(src3rangecount)
src2rangecount = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(2).RangeCount
wscript.echo "src2rangecount: " + cstr(src2rangecount)
src2rangecount = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(2).RangeCount
wscript.echo "src2rangecount: " + cstr(src2rangecount)
start = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).StartFrequency
stopf = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).StopFrequency
points = CalAll.IndependentPowerCalibration(3).PowerCalRange(1).NumberOfPoints
wscript.echo "start,stop,points: " + cstr(start) +"," + cstr(stopf) + "," + cstr(points)
CalAll.PowerLevel(1) = -5
Dim guidedcal
set guidedcal = calAll.GuidedCalibration
' Specify the DUT connectors
guidedcal.ConnectorType(1) = "APC 3.5 male"
guidedcal.ConnectorType(2) = "APC 3.5 female"
guidedcal.ConnectorType(3) = "Not used"
guidedcal.ConnectorType(4) = "Not used"
guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = "N4691-61004 ECal 13442"
guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = "N4691-61004 ECal 13442"
Numsteps = guidedcal.GenerateSteps
wscript.echo "Numsteps: " + cstr(Numsteps)
For i = 1 to Numsteps
step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(Numsteps)
strPrompt = guidedCal.GetStepDescription(i)
value = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step)
guidedCal.AcquireStep i
sub PrintVector (vec, msg)
dim i, str
if (IsArray(vec)) then
for i = lbound(vec) to ubound(vec)
str = str + cstr(vec(i)) + " "
str = "vector is EMPTY"
end if
wscript.echo msg +": " + str
end sub