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SetIsolationPaths Method


Adjusts the list of paths (port pairings) for which isolation standards will be measured during calibration.

 VB Syntax

guidedCal.SetIsolationPaths specifier, pathList


(Type) - Description


Any of the following:

GuidedCalibration (object)


(Enum) - Choose from:

0 - naPathsAll - Measure isolation on all pairings of the ports that are to be calibrated.

1 - naPathsNone - Do not measure isolation on any pairing of the ports to be calibrated.

2 - naPathsAdd - Add one or more specific pairings of ports to the list of port pairings for which isolation will be measured.

3 - naPathsRemove - Remove one or more specific pairings of ports from the list of port pairings for which isolation will be measured.


(Variant)  port numbers in pairs.  One-dimensional array of Long Integers.

Note: pathList is evaluated only when specifier is naPathsAdd or naPathsRemove.  For naPathsAll and naPathsNone, pathList is ignored.

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


Dim pathList
'selecting to measure isolation on all possible paths for the ports about to be calibrated

guidedCal.SetIsolationPaths naPathsAll, pathList

'now removing the paths 1-to-2, 2-to-3 and 2-to-4 from the set of all paths

pathList = Array(1,2,2,3,2,4)
guidedCal.SetIsolationPaths naPathsRemove, pathList

C++ Syntax

HRESULT SetIsolationPaths(enum NAPortPathSpecifier specifier, VARIANT pathList);

