About Markers

Value Property


Reads the Y-axis value of the marker. You cannot set the Y-axis value of a marker. The marker remains at the position at the time you set marker.Type.

If the marker is a delta marker, the value will be relative to the reference marker.

See Reference marker example below.

See Also: Set and Read X-axis value.

Note: To accurately read the marker Y-axis value with trace smoothing applied, the requested format must match the displayed format. Otherwise, the returned value is un-smoothed data. For example, to read the smoothed marker value when measuring group delay, both the display format and the marker format must be set to (Group) Delay.

VB Syntax

YValue = mark.Value (format)


(Type) - Description


A variable to store the Y-axis value


A Marker (object)


(enum NAMarkerFormat) - The format in which to return the marker's Y-axis value. The number in parenthesis following the format is the number of values that are returned in a variant array. Choose from:

0 - naMarkerFormat_LinMag (1)

1 - naMarkerFormat_LogMag (1)

2 - naMarkerFormat_Phase (1)

3 - naMarkerFormat_Delay (1)

4 - naMarkerFormat_Real (1)

5 - naMarkerFormat_Imaginary (1)

6 - naMarkerFormat_SWR (1)

7 - naMarkerFormat_LinMagPhase (2)

8 - naMarkerFormat_LogMagPhase (2)

9 - naMarkerFormat_RealImaginary (2)

10 - naMarkerFormat_ComplexImpedance (3)

11 - naMarkerFormat_ComplexAdmittance (3)

12 - naMarkerFormat_Kelvin (1)

13 - naMarkerFormat_Fahrenheit (1)

14 - naMarkerFormat_Celsius (1)

Return Type

Variant - The (parens) in the previous list of formats indicates the number of values that are returned in a variant array


Not applicable


YVal = mark.Value(0) 'Read


YVal = mark.Value(naMarkerFormat_LinMag)

'Read Reference Marker Y-axis value
dim RefMarkerY
RefMarkerY = app.ActiveMeasurement.GetReferenceMarker.Value( 1 )

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_Value(tagNAMarkerFormat format, VARIANT *pVal)

