CALCulate<cnum>:DTOPology <device>,<topology>

Applicable Models: Multi-port systems with > 4 ports

(Read-Write)  Maps the physical VNA ports to a device of balanced and single-ended logical ports for multi-port systems with greater than 4 ports. The device type is selected using CALCulate:FSIMulator:BALun:DEVice.

See Also:

CALC:FSIM:BAL:PAR:CAT? - returns the list of measurement parameters available for the currently selected topology.

CALC:FSIM:BAL:PAR:CUST:DEFine and CALC:MEAS:PAR - defines measurement parameter corresponding to a custom topology for systems where the port count is expandable beyond 4 ports.




Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <cnum> is set to 1.


(String) Device type for the balanced measurement. ‘B’ means the Balanced port; ‘S’ means the Single-ended port. Choose from:

B – 1 port balanced device (2 ports)

BB – Balanced - Balanced device (4 ports)

BS – Balanced - Single-ended device (3 ports)

BSS – Balanced - Single-ended - Single-ended device (3 ports)

SB – Single-ended - Balanced device (3 ports)

SSB – Single-ended - Single-ended - Balanced device (4 ports)


(Int array) Physical port numbers mapped to the logical ports, separated by ‘,’.

‘B’ (Balanced) requires 2 physical port numbers: <nPos>, <nNeg>.

‘S’ (Single-ended) requires 1 physical port number.


'The following example sets up 6 physical ports into 5 logical ports:
'Logical port 1 is a single ended port mapped to physical port 1
'Logical port 2 is a single ended port mapped to physical port 2
'Logical port 3 is a balanced port mapped to physical ports 4 and 5
'Logical port 4 is a single ended port mapped to physical port 3
'Logical port 5 is a single ended port mapped to physical port 6

'Example 1

CALC:DTOP "SSBSS",1,2,4,5,3,6

'Example 2

CALC:DTOPology "SSBSS",1,2,4,5,3,6

Query Syntax

CALCulate<cnum>:DTOPology <device>,<topology>?

Return Type

Int array


Not Applicable