
These commands are used to set up and create a DPD (Digital Predistortion) waveform.



    | CORRection

        | COLLection

             | ACQuire

                  | STATus?

             | DISTortion

                  | ENABle

                  | ITERations

                  | SPAN

                  | TOLerance

                  | TYPE

             | DUT

                  | ACP

                         | ENABle

                         | GBANd

                         | ITERations

                         | SPAN

                         | TOLerance

                  | EVM

                         | ITERations

                         | SPAN

                         | TOLerance

             | LO

                  | FTHRu

                         | ENABle

                         | ITERations

                         | TOLerance

             | POWer

                    | ENABle

                    | [:FIXed]

                    | ITERations

                    | RECeiver

                    | SPAN

                    | TOLerance

      | DAC

          | SCALing

    | FILE

        | LOAD

             | IDEal

             | MODel

        | SAVE

| MEASure

 | LINGain

      | ENABle

      | POWer:BACKoff

    | MODel

        | APPLy

        | CALibrate

        | CREate

        | DYNGain

              | INTerpolate

                   | TYPE

              | MEMory

                   | FUTure

                   | OPERator:M [1-4]:ENABLe

                   | PAST

                   | STEP

             | OPTimize

                   | ENABle

                   | COMPact:AUTO

                   | COMPact:LEVel

                   | NMSE:GOAL

                   | NMSE:INCLude

                   | MEMory:OPERator:INCLude

            | POWer

                   | SEGMent

                        | COUNT

                        | POINt::COUNt:MINimum

          | MEMPoly

             | CROSsterm

             | FUTure

             | PAST

             | ORDer

          | STATus?

          | TYPE

          | USE

              | DIRect

      | PAPR

              | EXPansion:MAXimum

      | PROCedure

Click on a keyword to view the command details.

See Also

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:ACQuire <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Write-only) Sets the collection acquire.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:




String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax

Not applicable



SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:ACQuire:STATus? [,srcPort]

Applicable Models:All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-only) Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



"Calibration succeeded."

Return Type

Comma-separated list of strings.


Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:ENABle <bool>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable the distortion calibration state. The distortion calibration minimizes the vector error of the modulation signal over the Cal Span.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable distortion calibration.

1 - ON - Enable distortion calibration.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source2:dpd:correction:collection:distortion:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:ITERations <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum number of distortion correction iterations used by the calibration routine. The calibration routine uses successive approximation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum number of distortion correction iterations.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:distortion:iterations 3

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:SPAN <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the calibration span for a distortion calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration span.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:distortion:span 1.5ghz

Query Syntax


Return Type



DUT default span (EVM plus ACP)

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:TOLerance <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the desired distortion calibration tolerance.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Desired tolerance is the un-equalized EVM in dBc.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:distortion:tolerance -50 dBc

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DISTortion:TYPE <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the linear or nonlinear distortion correction of the source at the DUT input.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:




String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:ACP:ENABle <bool>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Set and read the ACP modulation calibration state.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable ACP calibration.

1 - ON - Enable ACP calibration.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:acp:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:ACP:GBANd <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the frequency delta from the edge of the carrier to the beginning of the ACP Span.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Guard band for ACP.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:acp:gband 0 Hz

Query Syntax


Return Type



0 Hz

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:ACP:ITERations <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. The calibration routine uses successive approximation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum number of iterations.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:acp:iterations 2

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:ACP:SPAN <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the calibration span for the ACP calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration span.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:acp:span 100 MHz

Query Syntax


Return Type



2 X Default EVM Span

(If source does not have enough bandwidth to span all ACP frequencies, the default ACP span is set to Max Source Span - Default EVM Span / 2.)

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:ACP:TOLerance <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the desired ACP calibration tolerance for the ACP modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration tolerance in dBc.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:acp:tolerance -40dBc

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:EVM:ITERations <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. The calibration routine uses successive approximation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum number of iterations.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:evm:iterations 2

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:EVM:SPAN <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the calibration span of the EVM calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration span.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:evm:span 100 MHz

Query Syntax


Return Type



Signal Span

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:DUT:EVM:TOLerance <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the desired EVM calibration tolerance for the modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration tolerance in dBc.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:dut:evm:tolerance -40dBc

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:LO:FTHRu:ENABle <bool>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable the LO feedthru calibration state.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable LO feedthru calibration.

1 - ON - Enable LO feedthru calibration.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source2:dpd:correction:collection:lo:fthru:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:LO:FTHRu:ITERations <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. The calibration routine uses successive approximation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum number of iterations.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:lo:fthru:iterations 3

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:LO:FTHRu:TOLerance <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the desired LO feedthru modulation calibration tolerance.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration LO feedthru tolerance in dBc


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:lo:fthru:tolerance -40.00

Query Syntax


Return Type



-40.00 dBc

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer:ENABle <bool>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Set and read the power modulation calibration state.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable Power calibration.

1 - ON - Enable Power calibration.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer[:FIXed] <num>[,srcPort]  OBSOLETE

Note: This command is no longer needed because the power is set using SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LEVel.

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads a fixed power level to use for the source modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Fixed power level to perform calibration.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:fixed 0

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer:ITERations <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum number of iterations used by the calibration routine. The calibration routine uses successive approximation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum number of iterations.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:iterations 3

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer:RECeiver <rcvr>[,srcPort]  OBSOLETE

Note: This command is no longer needed because it is controlled using SENSe:DISTortion:SWEep:POWer:CARRier:LEVel:PORT.

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the receiver for a power modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


String. Calibration plane.

For options S93070xB, choose from:

DUTIn1, DUTOut2, DUTOut3, DUTOut4, DUTOut5.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:receiver "R1"

Query Syntax


Return Type



DUTIn1 (options S93070xB)

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer:SPAN <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the calibration span for a power modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration span.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:span 1.5ghz

Query Syntax


Return Type



Signal Span

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:CORRection:COLLection:POWer:TOLerance <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the desired power calibration tolerance for the power modulation calibration.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Calibration tolerance in dB.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:correction:collection:power:tolerance 0.100 dB

Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write)Sets and reads the scaling factor used for the waveform.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


DAC scaling in %


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:FILE:LOAD:IDEal <fileName>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Specifies the file path to recall an ideal modulation waveform file. The default file is the modulation file currently selected in the Modulate tab of the Modulation Distortion Setup dialog.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. Ideal waveform file name.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


SOUR1:DPD1:FILE:LOAD:IDE "C:/dpd/MyIdealFile.csv"

Query Syntax


Return Type



Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:FILE:LOAD:MODel <fileName>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Specifies a DPD Model from a pre-existing file (*.mdpd).



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. Model file name.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


SOUR1:DPD1:FILE:LOAD:MOD "C:/dpd/16QAM_MemPoly.mdpd"

Query Syntax


Return Type



Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:FILE:SAVE <fileName>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Specifies the file path and file name to save the DPD Model as a *.mdpd file type (zipped file). If the file exists, it is overwritten. The DPD Model contains the following files:

  • MyDPD_IdealDPD.csv

  • MyDPD_CorrDPD.csv

  • DPDModel.csv

  • dpd.manifest



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. DPD Model file name.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


SOUR1:DPD1:FILE:SAVE "C:/dpd/MyModFile.mdpd"

Query Syntax


Return Type



Not applicable


Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable the DUT Linear Gain measurement during the DPD Direct.  If ON, the DUT Linear Gain will be measured and saved during the Direct DPD.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable the DUT Linear Gain

1 - ON - Enable the DUT Linear Gain.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source:DPD1:measure:lingain:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the backoff power level used during the linear gain S21 measurement for the DPD Dynamic Gain model.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Backoff power in the dB.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type



10 dB

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:APPLy [,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Write-only) Creates the Modeled DPD Waveform from a user-supplied Ideal Waveform file and a DPD Model file. The DPD Model will be applied to the Ideal Waveform to create the Modeled DPD Waveform. If any calibration type is enabled, this command applies the DPD model first then performs a calibration. If all calibration types are disabled, then this command will only apply the DPD model.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.




Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:CALibrate [,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Write-only) Calibrate the DPD model from the setting define using the model commands. If requested, will calibrate upper and lower ACP bands at the DUT output, source power level at DUT input, source LO Feedthru, and linear and nonlinear distortion of the source at the DUT input.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.




Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:CREate [,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Write-only) Creates the DPD Model from the settings defined using the model commands. The created waveforms include "MyDPD_IdealDPD" and "MyDPD_CorrDPD".



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.




Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:DNYGain:INTerpolate:TYPE <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the interpolation type used in the AM/AM and AM/PM segments for the Dynamic Gain model.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:

LINear - Selects the Linear interpolation.

CUBic - Selects the Cubic interpolation.

SPLine - Selects the Spline interpolation.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:DYNGain:MEMory:FUTure <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of input future time samples to use for calculating the current output sample.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of future time samples.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of memory operators used for characterizing the device in the Dynamic Gain model.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of memory operators. Choose from 1 to 4


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable Memory Operator.

1 - ON - Enable Memory Operator.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source:DPD1:model:dyngain:memory:operator:m1:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of input past time samples to use for calculating the current output sample in the Dynamic Gain model.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of past time samples.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:model:mempoly:memory:past -3

Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of Memory Stepsize. A Memory Stepsize of 2 means every other sample will be used. If (Future Memory - Past Memory)/(Memory Stepsize) is not an integer, then (Future Memory) will be increased to make it an integer.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of Memory Stepsize.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable the DPD model optimization.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable the optimization.

1 - ON - Enable the optimization.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source:DPD1:model:dyngain:optimize:enable on

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:AUTO [,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable automatic waveform compaction.

Auto is on by default. Selecting Auto grays out the compacting value and compacts the signal to 3000 tones.

Compacting the waveform enables faster optimization.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable automatic waveform compaction.

1 - ON - Enable automatic waveform compaction.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:AUTO?

Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:LEVel <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets the waveform compaction level. Compacting the waveform enables faster optimization.

Compact by 1 is equivalent to no compacting. This is not recommended because it may result in over-fitting the equations, so the model will fit the current waveform but will poorly fit other waveforms.

The waveform will not be compacted to have less than 3000 tones. If the user chooses a sufficiently large compaction value then the number of tones will be 3000 but the compaction value shown in the entry box will not be changed. In this way, the user may set compaction to a big value (1e6) and be assured that the waveform will have 3000 tones.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Value of compaction level. Range is 1 to 1e6.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:COMPact:LEVel?

Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:GOAL <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets the NMSE Optimization Goal in dB.

If enabled, the optimizer attempts to minimize parameters while still resulting in an NMSE less than the value entered. Algorithm starts with the least complex model, then tries more complex models until the NMSE value is below the goal value. If the goal cannot be achieved, then the model with the lowest NMSE is chosen and an error message will be displayed indicating that the goal was not achieved.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Value of NMSE goal in dB. Max is 0 dB.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:GOAL?

Return Type



-40 dB

SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:INCLude <bool> [,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Enable or disable the NMSE Optimization Goal.

If enabled, the optimizer attempts to minimize parameters while still resulting in an NMSE less than the value entered. Algorithm starts with the least complex model, then tries more complex models until the NMSE value is below the goal value. If the goal cannot be achieved, then the model with the lowest NMSE is chosen and an error message will be displayed indicating that the goal was not achieved.

If disabled then the optimizer finds the parameters with the lowest NMSE. This likely results in a very complex model.

Reason: It is likely that there is little practical difference between models that have very low NMSE. In those cases, we want to have a "good enough" NMSE and the smallest model possible.

▪ Default value is -40dB



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Disable the optimization.

1 - ON - Enable the optimization.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax

SOURce<cnum>:DPD :MODel:DYNGain:OPTimize:NMSE:INCLude?

Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Include or exclude memory operators when optimizing the DPD model. If enable, then DPD will iterate the Past Memory, Future Memory, Number of Power Segments, and combination of memory operators M1/M2/M3/M4.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Choose from:

0 - OFF -Exclude the memory operators

1 - ON - Include the memory operators


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



source:DPD1:model:dyngain:optimize:memory:operator:include on

Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of power segments.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Number of the power segments


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the minimum points per power segment



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Minimum points per power segment


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:MEMPoly:CROSsterm <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads whether or not to perform crossterm calculations using default values for the crossterm equation.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Choose from:

OFF - Do not use crossterm calculations.

AUTO - Perform crossterm calculations using default values for the crossterm equation.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:MEMPoly:MEMory:FUTure <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of input future time samples to use for calculating the current output sample.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of future time samples.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:model:mempoly:memory:future 1

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:MEMPoly:MEMory:PAST <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the number of input past time samples to use for calculating the current output sample.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Number of past time samples.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:model:mempoly:memory:past -3

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:MEMPoly:ORDer <num>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the order of the polynomial equation used to model the DUT nonlinearity.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Polynomial order.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.


source2:dpd:model:mempoly:order 5

Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:STATus? [,srcPort]

Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-only) Returns a message indicating if the calibration was successful or not.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



"DPD source calibration failed. Desired tolerance could not be achieved."

Return Type

Comma-separated list of strings.


Not applicable

SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:MODel:TYPE <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads DPD Model type.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:

MEMPoly- Selects the memory polynomial DPD Model.

DYNGain - Selects the dynamic gain DPD Model.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Create the model using Direct DPD from file or Direct DPD measurement.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:

MEASurement - The model is fit to the Direct DPD measurement.

FILE - Direct DPD waveform from the file is used to fit the model.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type





Applicable Models: All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the maximum PAPR Expansion.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, <port> is set to 1.


Maximum PAPR Expansion in dB.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<cnum>:DPD<port>:PROCedure <enum>[,srcPort]

Applicable Models:  All with Option S93070xB/9x070A/B

(Read-Write) Sets and reads the type of DPD procedure to use.



Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Source port number of the VNA. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:

DIRect - Creates a Direct DPD waveform without a model.

MODel - Creates a DPD model and a Modeled DPD waveform.

APPLy - The user will supply an Ideal Waveform file and a DPD Model file.


String. (NOT case sensitive). Source port. Optional. Use SOUR:CAT? to return a list of valid port names.

While this argument can be used to make settings for ALL ports, it is designed to access ports such as an external source, true mode balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-X model such as "Port 1 Src2". Otherwise, the <port> argument performs the same function. If both arguments are specified, [srcPort] takes priority.



Query Syntax


Return Type


