SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate:LINear Commands

The five SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate:LINear commands are used as a sequence. They are not meant to be used independent of the others.  The commands perform linear interpolation on a scalar data of (x,y) pairs based on a primary set of x and y values to a new mapping based on a desired set of x values.  The desired set of x values (or range) must fall within the primary set of x values (or range) and can have a different number of points than the primary data set.


Linear interpolation operates by drawing a straight line between each two adjacent data points on the primary (x,y) pairs that fall on either side of the new desired data point represented by (x’,y’).  in other words if

(xi, yi) represents data pairs on the primary data set and (xj’,yj’) represents a data point on the interpolated result data set then:

Xi < Xj’ < Xi+1 and Yj’ = Yi + [(Yi+1 – Yi)/(Xi+1 – Xi)] (Xj’ – Xi)

Note:  The primary data set must represent a function on the Cartesian coordinate system.  In other words, for each x value in the primary data set, there can be only one corresponding Y value.

There are five steps in the sequence:

  1. SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate:LINear:INPut:X - loads in the primary X values

  2. SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate: LINear:INPut:Y - loads in the primary Y values

  3. SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate: LINear:OUTput:X - loads in the desired interpolated X values

  4. SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate: LINear:CALCulate - calculates the interpolated Y values

  5. SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate: LINear:OUTput:Y? - reads back the interpolated Y values.


The following function uses the SYSTem:CORRection:INTerpolate: LINear commands:

Function InterpolateData_Single(inputX() As Double, inputY() As Single, outputX() As Double, ByRef interpData() As Single)

    x = visa_io.ag_send_binBlock64("SYST:CORR:INT:LIN:INP:X ", inputX)

    x = visa_io.ag_send_binBlock("SYST:CORR:INT:LIN:INP:Y ", inputY)

    x = visa_io.ag_send_binBlock64("SYST:CORR:INT:LIN:OUTP:X ", outputX)

    x = visa_io.ag_send_rd("*OPC?")

    x = visa_io.ag_send_wait("SYST:CORR:INT:LIN:CALC")

    x = visa_io.ag_send_rd("*OPC?")

    interpData = visa_io.ag_send_rd_binBlock("SYST:CORR:INT:LIN:OUTP:Y?")


End Function

'Here is a code snippet that uses the function above.

'copy the B-Response Error term from one calset to another.  

'The source calset has a super set stimulus and

'and the receiving calset has a subset stimulus


    Dim BResp_freqList() As Double

    Dim BResp_Re() As Single

    Dim BResp_Im() As Single


    GetErrorTerm_noChan BResp_Calset, "ResponseTracking(B)", BResp_freqList, BResp_Re, BResp_Im


    Dim Noise_freqList() As Double


    GetCalsetStimulus calsetName, Noise_freqList, 1, "Noise Figure Cold Source"

' Response Stimulus Range


    Dim BResp_Re_interp() As Single

    Dim BResp_Im_interp() As Single


    InterpolateData_Single BResp_freqList, BResp_Re, Noise_freqList, BResp_Re_interp

    InterpolateData_Single BResp_freqList, BResp_Im, Noise_freqList, BResp_Im_interp


    PutErrorTerm channel, calsetName, "ResponseTracking(B)", BResp_Re_interp, BResp_Im_interp